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Re: Committee Appointments

I applaud Barbara on getting a jump on committee appointments and really
opening up the process. I would just like to remind everyone that
Discussion Group chairs are *elected* by the group, not appointed.  So if
you want to chair a DG, go to Annual and get yourself elected--shouldn't
be too difficult!  The ALCTS Manual
(http://www.ala.org/alcts/you/manual/discussion.html) outlines the DG
chair's responsibilities, and also indicates that a DG may elect a
vice-chair, which would provide some more continuity than PARS DGs
usually have.

For those of you interested in being committee members, "Selection of
Committee Members" 
(http://www.ala.org/alcts/you/manual/appointments.html) gives a brief
description of the characteristics ALCTS is looking for.

Anyone who wants to be involved ALCTS either in or out of PARS is
encourged to submit a Volunteer Form, which may be found in the next ALCTS
Newsletter or at http://www.ala.org/alcts/you/vol.html.  ALCTS passes
these along to appropriate sections for use in the appointment process. 
It's a good way for less active ALCTS members to get themselves considered
for appointments. 

Bureaucratically yours,


Lorraine Olley				olley@xxxxxxxxxxx
Head, Preservation Department		812/855-6281
Main Library E050			812/855-2576 (fax)
Indiana University			http://www.indiana.edu/~libpres
Bloomington IN 47405

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Barbara Berger wrote: 

> To the PARS community,
> I will be spending time over the next few weeks making committee and
> discussion group appointments  for the ALCTS/PARS section.  If you are
> interested in a particular committee or discussion group please contact me.
> I am hoping that we can include a wide range of members in our organization.
> --Barbara Berger 
> _________________________________________________________________
> Barbara Berger					(607)255-5291 (phone)
> Preservation Reformatting Librarian		(607)254-7493 (fax)
> Cornell University Library		                         beb1@xxxxxxxxxxx (email)
> B32 Olin Library
> Ithaca, NY 14853
> ________________________________________________________________			

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