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Re: IPN newsletter subscription

     I would like to receive the newsletter.
     Cynthia Pierce
     National Library Of Medicine 
     Preservation Section - Room B1 E21
     National Institutes of Health
     9600 Rockville Pike 
     Bethesda Maryland 20894 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: IPN newsletter subscription
Author:  <padg@xxxxxxx> at internet
Date:    6/25/97 9:28 AM

International Preservation News (IPN), the  newsletter published twice a year 
by the IFLA PAC Focal Point in Paris, Marie Therese Varlamoff, Editor, is 
distributed (gratis) by the IFLA PAC Progamme for USA and Canada at the 
Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress.
We are updating the mailing list.  Post cards have been sent and only the ones 
we get back will remain in the list.  
Is there any one who would like to receive IPN?  Please send Name of 
Institution, Name of person, complete address to me.  Thanks a lot,
Amparo R. de Torres
Special Projects Officer
Preservation Directorate, LM G 38
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, D. C. 20540-4500, USA
Tel: (202) 707-1026
Fax: (202) 707-1525

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