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Preservation Internships for the Staff of Southeast Asian 
Libraries and Archives

Education and Training Opportunities at the Department 
of Preservation and Conservation, Cornell University Library,
Ithaca, New York, United States of America

	The Cornell University, with the partial support of the Henry Luce
Foundation, has established an internship program in preservation in the
Department of Preservation and Conservation.  The internships are of two
types, designed to address (a) preservation management and administration
and (b), preservation and conservation practice.  The training schedules
for both types of internship training involve exposure to each of the major
units of the Department, including: Digital Imaging, Reformatting, Brittle
Book Replacement, Book Repair, Book Conservation, Paper Conservation,
Commercial Binding Office, Conservation Liaison, and a variety of related
administrative functions.  The Department consists of thirty-five staff,
including John F. Dean (Director),  Anne R. Kenney (Associate Director),
Barbara Berger (Reformatting Librarian), Oya Rieger (Digital Projects
Librarian), Michele Brown (Book Conservator), and Tatyana Petukhova (Paper
Conservator), and Joan Brink (Conservation Liaison Specialist). 

Preservation Management and Administration   Of three months duration, this
internship will include full rotation through the preservation units to
establish a working familiarity with preservation processes and to develop
an awareness of cost and production models.  The main thrust of the program
however, will be towards long-range planning, needs assessment, personnel
management, project development, securing of funding support, development
and achievement of organizational goals.  The intern will participate fully
in all budget, strategy planning, and project development meetings, and
will help to prepare a proposal for funding.  The intern will study the
Department's cooperative arrangements with other libraries and consortia,
and visit cooperating research establishments.

Preservation Professional   Aimed at preservation practitioners, such as
conservators, technicians,  and supervisors, the internship is of six
months duration, with interns spending substantial amounts of time within
each unit.  The training can be tailored to the intern's and employing
institution's area of specialization and interest.  An important objective
of this training is the development of the knowledge and skills to
establish viable programs in the intern's own institution, and to pass on
some of the training to others. 

Application Procedures and Qualifications

	Applications will be accepted from staff of libraries and archives in
Southeast Asia.  Applicants must be working in, or associated with, a
preservation program or involved in the planning for a new preservation
program.  Interns selected for the Preservation Professional internship of
six months should be library/archive employees dedicated now or in the
future to the preservation of research library/archive material on an
operational level.  Interns selected for the Preservation Management and
Administration internship of three months should be library/archive
administrators with overall responsibility for preservation within their
collections.  All applicants should be proficient in English and educated
to a level equivalent to a minimum of a U.S. undergraduate degree.
Application should be through the parent institution, which must certify
that the intern will be dedicated to preservation practice or
administration within the institution on completion of the training.
Institutions may apply for both a six- month and a three- month internship.
 The application form should be filled out separately for each intern.  The
internship program provides funding for air travel to and from Ithaca, New
York,  a stipend to support living expenses during the internship period,
and a small allowance for limited educational travel within the United
States.  During the first year of the program, beginning in July 1997, only
six month internships will be offered, but applications will be accepted
for both types.  The deadline for applications for the first year is May
1st, and successful candidates will be notified by May 8th.  Applications
should indicate: the name, address, and nature of the employing
institution;  name of the candidate and current position/responsibilities;
type of internship requested.  All applications and enquiries should be
mailed to:

		John F. Dean, Director,
		Department of Preservation and Conservation
		214 Olin Library,
		Cornell University
		Ithaca, NY 14853               

		Fax: 607-254-7493

John F. Dean
Director and Conservation Librarian
Department of Preservation and Conservation
214 Olin Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
Telephone: (607)255-9687
Fax: (607)255-9346

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