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IMLS to expedite grants to meet meeds caused by Hurricane Katrina

[Excerpt from IMLS Press Release]


September 16, 2005

Press Contacts
Eileen Maxwell, emaxwell[at]imls[dot]gov **
Mamie Bittner, mbittner[at]imls[dot]gov  **

IMLS to Expedite Grant Review Process and Release Awards Early to Museums
for Projects that Meet Needs Caused by Hurricane Katrina

Agency Also Extends Grant Application Deadlines for Museums in Declared
Disaster Areas

Washington, D.C.-Mary Chute, Acting Director of the federal Institute of
Museum and Library Services (IMLS) announced today that the agency would
expedite the grant review process and release awards early to successful
museum applicants throughout the country whose project proposals meet the
needs caused by Hurricane Katrina. The two federal grant programs affected
are Conservation Project Support and Museums for America. In addition, the
grant deadlines for these two grant programs have been extended for museums
in declared disaster areas. 

"We at the Institute of Museum and Library Services recognize that museums
all along the Gulf Coast, indeed, across the nation are putting forth heroic
efforts to help alleviate the human suffering of Katrina's victims as well
as trying to save the region's cultural heritage," said Ms. Chute. "These
institutions need funds faster. In response, IMLS is shortening the grant
review process and releasing awards early."

....press release continues.

Thanks to Trudy O'Reilly for sending along this and other significant
information posted to NCEN

** email addresses intentionally obfuscated by PM. Replace [at] with @ and
[dot] with . 

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