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ICOM offer to coordinate assistance from world's museums and museum professionals

Quoted from the AAM website 

"ICOM Secretariat Expresses Concern for Victims of Hurricane Katrina
On behalf of the staff and members of the International Council of Museums
(ICOM), ICOM's Secretary General, John S. Zvereff, and President, Alissandra
Cummins, have contacted AAM and AAM/ICOM to express their solidarity with
the inhabitants of the Gulf Coast that have lost loved ones or had their
livelihood destroyed or affected by the hurricanes, and pray for a quick
return to normal life.

"Through the Disaster Relief for Museums http://icom.museum/disaster_relief/
task force, ICOM has offered to coordinate offers of assistance from museums
and museum professionals around the world. As information becomes available
in the weeks to come, AAM/ICOM will coordinate with the ICOM Secretariat to
match offers of assistance from museums abroad with needs in the Gulf Coast

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