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help, please

May I ask for help on behalf of two of my students?
One, Lynda Sayce, is doing a PhD on extended-neck lutes,
theorbos, archlutes, liuti attiorbati, etc, including fragments such
as theorbos later turned into something else, and also fakes so as to
remove them from the catalogues.  She would be very grateful if
anyone on the list who knows of any such instruments in private hands
or in museums without published catalogues (or with catalogue to
which she is unlikely to have access through me, the Bate
Collection, or the Bodleian etc) would be kind enough to let her
know.  She adds that if a museum or person is uncertain what sort of
lute they have, she'd be glad to hear of them just in case it's one
that she is interested in.  She's not on e-mail but I'll pass on any
messages, or her snail address is 18 Park Town, Oxford, OX2 6SH and
her fax (and telephone) no is +44 (0)1865 56137.  She'll reimburse
any expenses for postage etc.
The second is Hilary Meadows who is doing an undergraduate thesis on
recorders and who is stuck for information about one maker in the
collection she is working on, Dushkin of Chicago.  Nobody that we've
contacted so far can produce any information about him or his career
other than that he devised an interesting plastic surround to the
block to aid easy removal and replacement. She is on e-mail as
All help for both or either would be much appreciated.
Jeremy Montagu (jmontagu@vax.ox.ac.uk)
PS  Speaking personally, I agree with the idea that the list should
be unmoderated and that the moderators could, and probably should,
add their comments to material received.  But I do also appreciate
and understand the motives behind the present policy.  We have, over
the years, published a fair amount of dangerous opinion in FoMRHIQ
and comments and corrections have not always caught up with the
initial statement; people do sometimes see one article and don't see
the following issue which provides a counter opinion.  So it can cut
both ways - restrictions which may feel like censorship on the one
hand, and recommendations for things that should not be done on the
other. There's no easy answer, and perhaps the moderators who
thought MICAT-L up should have the right to decide which way it
should go.

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