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RE: [frameconnews] lining wood frames

Instead of using 2ply matboard to line the exposed wood, or use tape which
does not stick - why not use a good quality urethane and cover all exposed
wood surfaces? This can be brushed on and has a relatively fast drying time.
Jennifer Benedict

-----Original Message-----
From: Janice Collins [mailto:jcollins@ccp.arizona.edu]
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 12:53
To: frameconnews@egroups.com
Subject: [frameconnews] lining wood frames

One of our artists has requested that we frame her prints using wood
spacers that sit directly on the edge of her art work. I know that this
is not recommended.  The solution would be to line the exposed wood with
a suitable paper, tape or 2 ply matboard.  The artist wants to find an
expedient method since this invloves lining some 100 frames.  Most acid
free paper tapes with the correct ph level do not adhere to wood, at
least not for long. She could line the frames with 2 ply matboard, but I
think this will take too long.  These inquiries by the artist are being
made at the last minute I'm afraid.  Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thank you.
Janice Collins

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