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[frameconnews] Conservation Framers Mailing List web site

I have refurbished the website for
the Conservation Framers Mailing List - frameconnews.
The week before last the site enjoyed 321 hits, and
frameconnews has been collecting new members at a rate
of one a day.


A couple of point of minor interest are:

1. Book sales.

I intend to list as many books on the subject of
framing and/or conservation on the site as possible.
If you wish to add a pertinent book, pamphlet, or
leaflet, please mail me.

2. Sources.

This is intended to assist specialist companies in the field
announce themselves to the community. If you want to be
considered for this page, let me know.

3. News.

If you have any, let me know. The final draft of the UK
for Mountboard is published there, we are waiting on
The Fine Art Trade Guild to make it official.

Stephen Todd
List Owner

-- Talk to your group with your own voice!
-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=frameconnews&m=1

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