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[frameconnews] Re: Linen on Posters

Mr. Todd asks:

> Has anyone any views of the long term
> conservation element in backing movie
> posters?  Since such posters can become collectors
> items is it right hat they should be
> modified in this way?

Old movie posters were generally expected to last about as long as the run
of the movie, so they were (and still are) printed very cheaply.  While
frustrating for those wishing to preserve them, it is a fact of movie poster
life that makes pristine ones rare -- and therefore more valuable.

The first rule of collecting is: "Any collectible thing keeps its best value
in pristine condition; whatever happens to change its original condition
reduces its value".  Because movie posters are usually large, printed on
cheap paper, creased from folding and soon fragile, any amount of handling
is destructive.  Keeping them unmounted is risky.

I believe it is better to line the posters with an inert paper or fabric
(depending on the amount and nature of handling expected), and
freshly-cooked, pure starch paste while their condition is still good.
That way, collectors may be assured that the posters will endure, if
carefully handled.  Long term, the posters *and* their value will be better

James Miller, PPFA-CPF; GAFP Committee Member
Suburban central Ohio, USA


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