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[frameconnews] Re: mounting silk

Dear Damelio
Providing this is not an antique, the silk kerchiefs can be stretched over
a substrate using stainless steel ball point pins. I have used two
substrates: rag board and foam center board.

Two pieces of cotton rag attached to each other using double stick tape or
white glue. Do not glue the  1" around the perimeter, because the pins need
the space.  Another substrate I have used is acid-free foam center board
which is easy to pin into at the edges. 

Cover the face of either substrate with plain white cotton flannel  (attach
with a bit of double-stick tape). The purpose of the flannel is to keep the
silk from billowing away from the stubstrate. Once stretched the item must
be kept from touching the glass with spacers or mats.

The process of stretching a piece of fabric is the same as stretching a
canvas painting. Measure to find the center of the edges of the scarf and
the center of the substrate.  Put a pin at the center of each side and work
your way toward the corners.  Practice with scraps of silk before doing
your customers work.
Vivian Kistler, GCF, CPF
Akron, Oh USA


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