Subject: Conservation of radioactive objects
Valerie Tomlinson <vtomlinso<-at->aucklandmuseum<.>com> Sophie Rowe <rswr2<-at->cam<.>ac<.>uk> writes >The Polar Museum holds a radioactive compass with radium paint on >the inside of the lid, and this radium paint is now beginning to >flake and contaminate the inner surfaces of the object ... A World War 1 compass with radioluminescent paint was treated in the summer of 2015 in the Objects lab at the Canadian Conservation Institute. Dose rates were measured with a Victoreen 190 survey meter, and measured a maximum dose rate of 380 microsievert/h when the probe was placed directly above the exposed paint. The dosage rate dropped to 50-60 microsievert/hr when the compass was closed, and went down to 2 microsievert/hr when the probe was positioned 30 cm away. The dosage rates were within the accepted limits of the Annual Dose Equivalent Limit regulations for Canadian workers and it was determined safe to treat the compass. Personal protective equipment, including a lead apron, was worn at all times as an extra precaution. Although the relatively low radiation values detected were specific to this object, it is significant to note the degree of shielding that was provided by the compass case itself, and that a distance of 30 cm from the compass provided enough shielding for the dosage rate to drop to the equivalent of background radiation. A small storage box (with ventilation holes to prevent the buildup of radon gas) was constructed for further shielding. The box was labeled with a large image of the compass (to prevent unnecessary opening and handling) as well as radiation hazard warning labels. When the compass was returned to the client, it was advised that handling of the object be kept to a minimum and that the compass be kept closed whenever possible. The paint was analysed by micro x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy at CCI. The analysis provided significant historical information about the compass. While radium itself was not detected, its decay products (thorium, lead) were found to be present. The earliest radioluminescent paints used radium-226 which has a half-life of 1600 years. In the late 1910s, radium-228 came into use with a half-life of 5.8 years and thorium-228 as its first relatively stable decay intermediate. Our detection of thorium by XRF analysis was therefore a useful indicator in dating the manufacture of the compass. The luminescence of these paints was a result of zinc sulphide crystals being excited by the radiation of trace amounts of radium and emitting electrons that would reach activator sites of either copper, manganese, or silver. The activator sites after being excited would release photons, causing the paint to glow. The metal used as the activator determined the colour of the luminescence; in the case of the WW1 compass, copper was determined to most likely be the activator metal, which elucidated that the compass would have likely glowed green. Like the luminescent paint on the compass at the Polar Museum, the paint on the WW1 compass was also cracked and flaking. Luminescent paints generally become brittle and friable as they age, as they contained little binder to begin with so that it would not absorb the radiation before it could reach the zinc sulphide crystals. Most of the flaking paint was contained and sealed beneath the bezel glass of the compass. It was decided to leave these flakes where they were, as they were safely contained and were not at risk of becoming airborne. The paint exposed on the underside of the lid was consolidated with a coating of a 20-30% Paraloid B-72 solution in acetone and ethanol. The coating will delay the fragmentation of the paint, as well as provide some added shielding. We felt it was worth taking these measures to preserve the paint, as the traces of information it contains give it considerable value. Research of the manufacturing of these compasses underlined the historic value of the paint, as it serves as a tangible reminder of the women who lost or shortened their lives by applying it. There are lessons that can still be learned from their tragic story; thorough investigation of the health effects of new technology-based products remains a relevant and important issue today. Sophia Zweifel Postgraduate Intern The Canadian Conservation Institute *** Conservation DistList Instance 30:8 Distributed: Sunday, July 10, 2016 Message Id: cdl-30-8-002 ***Received on Wednesday, 6 July, 2016