Conservation DistList Archives [Date] [Subject] [Author] [SEARCH]

Subject: Administrivia


From: Walter Henry <walterh<-at->
Date: Monday, May 16, 2016
The DistList now completes its 29th year of operation.  This is
measured in "DistList years" as the annual publication cycle
normally begins with the AIC Annual Meeting (because that's where
the DistList was first announced, back in 1987).  If you're curious
about any of the history, see


During the year there have been 49 mailings, with 1301 messages from
819 authors covering 872 subjects and 171 queries

Please help:

You can help improve DistList service by paying attention to the
instructions documented at


Sending submissions to the wrong address or in the wrong format
creates a great deal of unnecessary work here and results in delays
and over-large mailings.  And most importantly, when your email
address changes please report the new address, and any other changed
ConsDir information, to request<-at->cool<.>conservation-us<.>org.  Your
cooperation will be much appreciated.

                  Conservation DistList Instance 30:1
                   Distributed: Sunday, May 22, 2016
                        Message Id: cdl-30-1-001
Received on Monday, 16 May, 2016

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