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Subject: Conference on science and engineering in arts, heritage, and archaeology

Conference on science and engineering in arts, heritage, and archaeology

From: Scott Allan Orr <orr.scott<-at->
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2016
Second International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts,
    Heritage and Archaeology
University of Oxford
20-21 June 2016.

Registration is now open for the Second International Conference on
Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology, taking
place at the University of Oxford on 20-21 June 2016.

To read the full programme and find details of how to register,
please visit


The conference will showcase research through 29 podium talks and a
poster session of 65, in addition to a morning of workshops and
discussions.  At the end of day 1, delegates will have the
opportunity to attend a formal college dinner at St. John's College
and concluding the conference will be a reception held in the
Divinity School, the University's oldest teaching hall dating back
to 1488.

Keynote addresses:

    "Heritage science and the citizen"
    Sir Philip Campbell
    Editor-in-Chief, Nature

    "Current environmental challenges in heritage management:
    putting the research into practice"
    Dr Ewan Hyslop
    Head of Technical Research and Science, Historic Environment

    "Using non invasive chemical analysis with mobile instruments to
    understand artist's motivations"
    Prof Philippe Walter
    Head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Structural Archaeology,
    Sorbonne Universites, CNRS, UPMC

Please contact the committee at events<-at->seaha-cdt<.>ac<.>uk for any and
all inquiries.

Scott Allan Orr
SEAHA CDT Doctoral Student and Conference Organising Committee Chair
School of Geography and the Environment
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3QY
United Kingdom

                  Conservation DistList Instance 29:47
                    Distributed: Sunday, May 1, 2016
                       Message Id: cdl-29-47-016
Received on Thursday, 28 April, 2016

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