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Subject: Call for posters--Symposium paintings on metal plate

Call for posters--Symposium paintings on metal plate

From: Laura Fuster-Lopez <laufuslo<-at->
Date: Sunday, March 27, 2016
Call for poster abstracts


Paintings on Copper (and Other Metal Plates):  Production,
    Degradation and Conservation Issues
Alfons Roig Auditorium
Faculty of Fine Arts
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Last week in January 2017

The international symposium, "Paintings on copper (and other metal
plates).  Production, degradation and conservation issues" is
organized jointly by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
and Subdireccion de Conservacion, Restauracion e Investigacion IVC+R
de CulturArts Generalitat Valenciana and will be held at the UPV
last week in January 2017.

This conference will provide a forum to conservators-restorers,
conservation scientists, art historians and related professionals to
discuss issues such as:

    Historical and artistic aspects of the production of paintings
    on metal plate

    Characterization of materials present in paintings on copper and
    other metal plates

    Interaction between paint films and metal substrates.  Influence
    on the stability of paintings

    Degradation of paintings on metal plate.  Common alterations and
    degradation mechanisms

    Conservation treatment of paintings on metal plates.  Ethical
    and aesthetic dilemmas

    Limitations of common conservation treatments traditionally used
    in easel paintings.  Latest research

    Display, handling, transport and storage of paintings on metal
    plate.  Guidelines for their preservation to minimize

    Case studies related to the theme of the symposium

Abstracts submission: A Word file (.doc or .docx) with the
information requested in the Instructions section should be sent to

    May 30, 2016, 2016
    Deadline to submit poster abstracts.

    June 15 2016, 2016
    Notification of acceptance to authors.

    September 15, 2016

Deadline to submit the manuscripts to be published in the
Proceedings of the conference (approximately 3000 words).

Instructions for abstracts

    Abstracts should describe original, unpublished work

    Authors are permitted to submit a maximum of ONE abstract as a
    presenting author and TWO on co-authorship

    Abstracts must be written in ENGLISH and/or SPANISH

    The following information is required:

        Title of the paper
        Author(s) full name(s)
        Contact author
        Postal address
        E-Mail address
        5 Key words
        Abstract (maximum 500 words)

    Abstracts must be submitted in .doc or .docx, Arial, 10 pt,
    single-spaced, left-justified.  The text should not contain tabs

    An extended version of the accepted abstracts will be requested
    for publication in the Proceedings Book after the conference

    At least one author is required to register for each poster and
    pay the corresponding registration fees

    A maximum of 4 illustrations are allowed (.jpeg format, 300 ppi

For More information email conservacion&restauracion<-at->upv<.>es

Laura Fuster Lopez, PhD
Profesora Titular de Universidad
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Dept. Conservacion y Restauracion de Bienes Culturales
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia
+34 963 877 310 ext 73106

                  Conservation DistList Instance 29:43
                  Distributed: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
                       Message Id: cdl-29-43-009
Received on Sunday, 27 March, 2016

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