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Subject: Lecture on painting techniques

Lecture on painting techniques

From: Susan Mathisen <samathisen<-at->
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2016
This message is being posted on behalf of the American Friends of
Statens Museum for Kunst:

The Frick Collection and the American Friends of Statens Museum For
Kunst invites you to a lecture:

    "Framing the Perspective: Painting Techniques of Vermeer,
        Whistler, Van Gogh, and Hammershoi"
    The Frick Collection
    1 E 70th St
    New Yorks NY 10021
    Wednesday, February 3, 2016


    Jorgen Wadum
    Director of Conservation and the Centre for Art Technological
    Statens Museum for Kunst/National Gallery of Denmark


The interiors of Danish painter Vilhelm Hammershoi reveal an
understanding of light and its play in space comparable to that of
Vermeer and Whistler, while his methods are related to those of Van
Gogh.  This lecture will discuss and illustrate the surprising
methodological approaches and technical relationships used by these
artists in creating spatial illusions in seemingly unrelated
artistic expressions.

Please RSVP SMK by Friday January 29, 2016 to

    Hanne Stovring
    Executive Director
    American Friends of Statens Museum for Kunst

                  Conservation DistList Instance 29:34
                 Distributed: Sunday, January 24, 2016
                       Message Id: cdl-29-34-006
Received on Thursday, 21 January, 2016

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