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Subject: Call for papers--Costume Society of America (CSA) Symposium

Call for papers--Costume Society of America (CSA) Symposium

From: Brenna A. Barks <csawr.publicity<-a>
Date: Monday, April 28, 2014
Call for papers
and Student Honor Award

"From the Street to the Catwalk: Cultural Influences on Fashion"
Costume Society of America (CSA) Western Region Symposium
Portland Oregon
October 10-12 2014

The Symposium promises to be an exciting weekend.
For more details see


Reserve the dates and if you are working on an interesting project
or have an area of street-influenced fashion that you've always
wanted to explore, follow the link on the next page to submit a
Paper, the deadline is June 13, 2014

The Western Region Biennial Symposium offers an opportunity for
student members, non-member students and potential new members to
present juried oral research papers or research-in progress reports
on unpublished research, new creations and/or practical experience.
Possible topics include

    Subculture fashion, such as Goth, Mod, Punk, Steampunk or Queer,
    and its influence on High Fashion

    Contributions to fashion from queer or transgender designers

    The importance of youth subcultures on fashion

    The influence of social media on fashion

    Mainstreaming of Fetish Fashion

    Subcultural influences on fashion in a historical context

    Dance or Body Politic influence on Fashion

We welcome proposals from all undergraduate, pre-program, and
graduate students, CSA members and non-members who may be studying
and researching in the following areas:

    Cultural Anthropology
    Costume and Textile History
    Film, Television and Theatre History and Design
    Queer Fashion Studies
    Dance History
    Counter or Subculture, LGBT Studies
    Costume, Dress, Fashion History and Design

Two types of presentations are invited

    Oral Papers are appropriate for the presentation of new research
    findings, case studies and conclusions.  Limited to 20 minutes
    for a presentation.  All visuals must be in PowerPoint or
    Keynote for MAC/iPad format.

    Research in Progress Reports are appropriate for the
    presentation of ongoing research to elicit feedback from
    registrants for additional research sources and/or comments on
    methodology.  Limited to 10 minutes for presentation.  All
    visuals must be in PowerPoint or Keynote for MAC/iPad format.

If you plan to use an iPad or mobile device for your presentation,
you must provide the necessary cables and adapters to connect to the
projector and master, or transit hub computer.

The Student Honor Award does include conference registration fees
and a cash stipend award towards travel and 2 nights accommodation

Submission Information and Instructions: Please send your proposal
abstracts to wrsymposium<-a t->gmail< . >com with CSA: WR Symposium Abstract
in the subject line.  Submissions are only accepted via email to
help keep us green.

The body of your email must include your name, address, telephone
and email address.  Please attach the following in .doc, .rtf, or
PDF format.

Language: English only.

Cover Page: with your name, abstract title, and institutional
affiliation (if any).  Do not identify your name with your abstract

Abstract Proposal: 500 words maximum, Times New Roman font
(inclusive of footnotes/endnotes and bibliography).  Use double
spaced lines for text.

Identify submission as Type 1 or Type 2 at the top of the page
center underneath the abstract Title.

Style: Chicago Manual of Style, AP Style Book, MLA Style Manual,
Oxford Writers Dictionary or Hart's Rules

Deadlines for Submissions: Abstract proposals and emails must be
received by Friday, June 13, 2014. Candidates will be informed of
their status by Tuesday, July 15, 2014. Acceptance of the Student
Honor Award and commitment to attend the Western Regional Biennial
Symposium will be required in writing by Wednesday, July 30, 2014.
Costume Society of America: Western Region will be unable to pay for
any expenses involved in the preparation and presentation of papers.
Please obtain all necessary permissions for use of images before the
presentation is given.

See also


    Abra Flores
    Costume Society of America Western Region
    abritaflores<-a t->gmail< . >com

                  Conservation DistList Instance 27:42
                 Distributed: Wednesday, April 30, 2014
                       Message Id: cdl-27-42-005
Received on Monday, 28 April, 2014

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