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Subject: CeROArt


From: Muriel Verbeeck <muriel.verbeeck<-a>
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2014
We are glad to announce the publication of the 9th CeROArt issue:
The conservator-restorer's knowledge and recognition.  The website
browsing options are available both in English and in French by
choosing the language in the upper right corner of your screen.
Access to the journal is free. As a reminder, CeROArt's next regular
issue will be released in Autumn 2014. The file will be dedicated to
the "Restoration, Crossroads of Interrelationships". Papers can be
submitted until August 1, 2014.

More information in our Call for papers.


Electron libre

    Roch Payet
    Lieux de connaissance(s) [Full text]
    Libre entretien


    Monica Martelli Castaldi, David Aguilella Cueco, Jeremy
    Hutchings and E.C.C.O. European Confederation of
    Conservator-Restorer's Organisations

        A European Recommendation for the Conservation-Restoration
        of cultural heritage [Full text]
        One step towards greater recognition of the role of
        Conservation-Restoration at European level

        Une "recommandation pour la conservation-restauration du
        patrimoine culturel' [Full text - translation]
        Une nouvelle etape pour une meilleure reconnaissance du role
        de la conservation-restauration au niveau europeen

    Rene Hoppenbrouwers

        Les formations en Conservation-Restauration et le
        developpement de la profession [Full text]

    Michael Van Gompen

        Reconnaissance de la profession de
        Conservateur-Restaurateur: l'experience belge [Full text]

    Christina von Buchholtz and Julia Becker

        Evolution de la formation en conservation-restauration en
        Allemagne [Full text]

    Simon Lambert

        The Early History of Preventive Conservation in Great
        Britain and the United States (1850-1950) [Full text]

    Pierre Leveau

        L'enquete sur la formation des restaurateurs dans
        l'Entre-Deux-Guerres: transformation d'un metier et
        reconnaissance d'une profession (1929-2011) [Full text]


    Jose Vetro

        Les peintures murales du cha'teau de Streversdorp a  Montzen
        [Full text]
        Identification de la technique d'execution en vue d'un
        protocole de conservation-restauration

    Sandra Sustic

        Paint handling in Leonardo's Mona Lisa: guides to a
        reconstruction [Full text]

    Margit J. Smith

        The dust-jacket considered [Full text]

    Paolo Martore

        Parasites of the Glory [Full text]

    Ariane Lemieux

        Les collections permanentes du Louvre et l'exposition de
        l'art contemporain [Full text]

Coup de projecteur

    Olivier Verheyden

        La Prise de Calais, une campagne de
        conservation-restauration epique? [Full text]

Annonces et Actualite

    Documentation technique, technique de documentation. 2e
    rencontre des adherents INCCA-f
    6-7 fevrier 2014, Marseille, France

    Replace or Remake: workshop autour de la Tour Cybernetique de
    Nicolas Schaffer - avec la collaboration d'INCCA-F
    25 Mars 2014, Liege, Belgique

    Teaching Conservation:  Colloque organise par European Network
    for Conservation-restoration Education (ENCoRE)
    26 mars 2014, Liege, Belgique

    YOCOCU Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage
    28-30 Mai 2014, Agsu, Azerbaijan

Comptes rendus

    Manon D'haenens

        V. Van Saaze, Installation Art and the Museum, Presentation
        and Conservation of Changing Artworks, [Full text]
        Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2013

    Muriel Verbeeck

        Isabelle Brajer (ed), Conservation in the Nineteenth Century
        [Full text]
        Londres, Archetype publications, 2013

                  Conservation DistList Instance 27:31
                Distributed: Thursday, February 6, 2014
                       Message Id: cdl-27-31-010
Received on Thursday, 23 January, 2014

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