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Subject: Workshop on gilding

Workshop on gilding

From: Jennifer Robertson <lefthandeddrawing<-at->
Date: Friday, December 10, 2010
Workshop on Gilding Techniques
Queen's University
Kinston, Canada
January 27-29, 2011

The Art Conservation Department at Queens University in Kingston,
ON, Canada, will once again be hosting Frame Conservator Sacha Marie
Levay from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for a workshop on water
and oil gilding techniques.

The workshop will be held from January 27-29, 2011, and will include
an introduction to the history and use of gilding in picture frames
and architectural settings, and instruction in the preparation of
materials and application of gold leaf in both water and oil gilding

The workshop is traditionally open only to students in the program,
but in the last couple of years we have been offering several spots
for sale to the conservation and museum community as part of our
fundraising efforts. This year we are happy to announce that we have
two spaces open for community participants at a cost of $275 each.
This fee includes all materials and use of tools, and an information
package detailing all the procedures covered in the workshop.
Accommodation, transportation and meals are not included.

An outline of the workshop follows:


    5:30 - 7:00 pm
    Gesso demonstration and preparation of wood blocks


    8:30 - 10:00 am             Sanding and smoothing of wood blocks

    10:00 - 10:30 am            Bole making and application
                                (demonstration and practice)

    10:30 - 12:00 am            Traditional gilding methods
                                (demonstration and talk)

                                Water gilding: preparation /
                                decoration of samples (various gesso
                                techniques and bole application)


    1:00 - 2:00 pm              The History and Impact of Framing
                                (Powerpoint lecture)

    2:00 - 5:30 pm              Water gilding
                                (demonstration and practice)


    9:00 - 12:00 am             Application of shellac, oil size on

                                Talk on frame conservation
                                (Powerpoint lecture)

                                Oil gilding when size is right


    1:00 - 3:00 pm              Demonstration of composition making;
                                mould making

    3:00 - 5:00 pm              Hands-on patina practice; continued
                                work on samples

                                Questions and wrap-up

We hope you will consider taking this opportunity to learn about
gilding and to support the Art Conservation program at Queens!

If you are interested in signing up or have any questions, please

    Jennifer Robertson
    Gilding Committee Co-Chair

                  Conservation DistList Instance 24:29
                Distributed: Tuesday, December 14, 2010
                       Message Id: cdl-24-29-017
Received on Friday, 10 December, 2010

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