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Subject: Training day on paper repair

Training day on paper repair

From: Mark Allen <mark_allen<-at->
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Preservation and Conservation Group Training Day
Paper repair
Staffordshire Records Office
24 November, 2010


    **** Moderator's comments: The above URL has been wrapped for
    email. There should be no newline.

    10-30-11.00am           Welcome and coffee

    11.00am                 A history of papermaking?
                            Phil Crockett, British Association of
                            Paper Historians

    11.45 am                Paper covers, demonstration and
                            Antony Oliver, Sheffield archives

    12.30pm                 Lunch at The Vine Public House

    1.45pm                  Introduction to the production and
                            application of remoistenable tissues
                            Lara Artemis, Parliamentary archives and
                            the British Library

    2.45pm                  Paper repair using gelatine
                            Sarah Money, Flintshire Record Office

    3.00pm                  Coffee

    3.20pm                  Forum session on repair techniques
                            Mark Allen, Flintshire Record Office

                            Delegates to bring along photographs of
                            problems or have examples if possible

    4-00-4.45pm             AGM of Preservation and conservation
                            group, ARA

Details of how to sign up for the day are on


There is a cost unfortunately: UKP25 for members of ARA and UKP35
for non-members

Mark Allen, Conservator
Flintshire Record Office
+44 1244 532 364

                  Conservation DistList Instance 24:24
                 Distributed: Sunday, November 7, 2010
                       Message Id: cdl-24-24-018
Received on Tuesday, 2 November, 2010

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