Subject: Call for tenders
Call for tender for the preventive conservation of artefacts in the permanent exhibition of MHMC The present call for tender concerns the expertise of a conservator specialised in preventive conservation of collections on display. The conservator will report on the conservation conditions of the permanent exhibit and will define, in order of priority and taking into account available human and financial resources, the necessary preventive conservation actions to be taken. Expected results: Producing a facility survey (written document): assess the display conditions in the museum (lights, ambient conditions, air quality, pest control, exhibit stands, maintenance...) Producing a collection survey (written document): assess the condition of objects on display presenting signs of deterioration and produce written condition reports for a selection of about 30 particularly fragile artefacts or documents presenting signs of damage. Defining an action plan identifying risks and priorities for the facilities and the collection: develop an action plan of appropriate conservation measures to be taken Advising MHMC staff on the implementation of the action plan The conservator will work closely with the MHMC staff. Staff will provide the necessary information to the conservator about the collection and the museum. Budget and timeline: The project must be finalized in 7 weeks. Total remuneration of the consultant will be a maximum of $8,000 for the completion of the project. Qualifications and experience required Masters in conservation or equivalent experience At least two years of experience in conservation A specialization in preventive conservation or conservation of paper artefacts Modalities of the call for tender: This call for tender has been developed in order to contact firms with professional experience in the conservation and preventive conservation of museum artefacts. Please include a C.V as well as a summary and timeline proposition for the project. Final date for application is Friday, October 1, 2010. The MHMC is not obliged to accept either the lowest or any other received tender and does not hold any obligation toward the applicants. Contact: Julie Guinard Coordinator Museum and Collection 514-345-2605 extension 3022 julie.guinard<-at->mhmc<.>ca *** Conservation DistList Instance 24:16 Distributed: Thursday, September 16, 2010 Message Id: cdl-24-16-012 ***Received on Wednesday, 8 September, 2010