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Subject: Seminar on professional certification for Israeli conservators

Seminar on professional certification for Israeli conservators

From: Hasia Rimon <paperconservation<-at->
Date: Sunday, July 11, 2010
Seminar and Workshop
Professional Certification for Israeli Conservators
A Collaboration of Israeli Heritage Stakeholders

Organised by:

    The Israeli Society for the Conservation and Preservation of
    Cultural Property,

    The Israel Antiquities Authority and UNESCO-Israel

Sponsored by

    Israel Ministry of Culture and Sport - Museums Dept; Israel
    Foreign Ministry: Haifa University; ICOMOS- Israel;

    Society for Preservation of Israel Heritage Sites; Israel Nature
    and Parks Authority; ICOM-Israel;

    Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Eretz Israel Museum; Israel Archives
    and Information Association;

    Israeli Society of United Architects,

Hosted by the Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Monday August 2, 2010
10:00 - 15:00

    8:30:               Registration

    9:30                Greetings

    10:00-12:00         Morning session
                        Chaired by James Snyder
                        Director of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

                        Dr. Stan Lester
                        Specialist in professional accreditation;
                        chief designer of the ICON accreditation
                        scheme; Director Stan Lester Developments
                        Education and Training Systems
                        "Becoming a qualifying profession"

                        Prof. Amos Notea, Head of Quality and
                        Reliability Engineering in Electronics
                        Program, Kinneret College, expert in
                        certification systems in industry.
                        "Establishment and management of a
                        professional certification system in Israel"

                        Mr. Ingval Maxwell OBE
                        Consultant in Architectural Conservation
                        "Pan-professional Accreditation in UK
                        Building Conservation: Background,
                        Development and Operation"

                        Mrs. Susan Bradshaw ACR
                        ICON Accreditation Manager.
                        "Operating PACR Accreditation in the UK"

    12:00               Break

    13:00 - 15:00       Afternoon Session
                        Chaired by Prof Amos Notea
                        Kinneret College

                        Chris Woods ACR
                        Chairman, ICON Professional Standards
                        Committee; Director, Conservation Ltd.
                        "Why Accredit Conservators? - Assessing the
                        impact of accreditation and registration in
                        the UK"

                        Panel Session
                        chaired by Adv. Gideon Koren
                        Chairman of ICOMOS -Israel

August 3-4, 2010

    A small group of participants representing all of the
    organizational and sponsoring groups will gather under the
    direction of Dr. Stan Lester and our guest consultants to
    conduct parallel group discussions and joint group discussions
    on the following topics:

        Shaping a qualified profession
        Assessment and accreditation standards and processes
        Regulation and recognition
        Education, training and progression

    Talks and discussions will be given in Hebrew and English and
    will be accompanied by simultaneous translation.

R.S.P.V. by email to

   Hasia Rimon ACR

The coming seminar and workshop is the first such event in Israel
directed at exploring the possibility of introducing a professional
conservation certification scheme in Israel.

The timing of this event coincides with the new sharpened awareness
in Israel of the need to regulate the management and treatment of
our cultural heritage in order to ensure the preservation of its
authenticity and permanency.

In the absence of professional regulations, persons lacking the
suitable training and experience in both conservation management and
hands-on work are unrestricted in their treatment of museum
collections, buildings, monuments and archaeological sites. Such
conditions result in untold damage and the erosion of our national
heritage.  This problem must be solved by conservators, stakeholders
and government institutions. The establishment of the certification
process will bring with it recognition of conservation as a
professional discipline guided by professional ethics and
standardized work practices, an objective which is in the interest
of the public.

The certification of professional conservators promises to be
transparent and to provide performance indicators and quality

Hasia Rimon ACR ICON
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Department of Conservation
Prints and Drawings
+972 3 6077033

                  Conservation DistList Instance 24:9
                   Distributed: Sunday, July 18, 2010
                        Message Id: cdl-24-9-014
Received on Sunday, 11 July, 2010

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