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Subject: Library of Congress Topics in Preservation Series (TOPS)

Library of Congress Topics in Preservation Series (TOPS)

From: Cindy Connelly Ryan <crya<-at->
Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Preservation Directorate of the Library of Congress announces a
special 50th event in the Topics in Preservation Series (TOPS):

"Introduction to the Work of the New Preservation Science
    Laboratories of the Library of Congress"

West Dining Room, Madison Building, 6th floor
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington DC 20540
Friday, April 16, 2010
9 am - 5 pm

To commemorate the 50th TOPS program, the staff of the Preservation
Research and Testing Division will present a series of lectures on a
wide range of collaborative science projects addressing needs of
traditional, audiovisual and digital collections. We hope that you
can join us for some or all of this special day.

Program Schedule

    9:45-10:15      Welcome and Introduction

                        Dr. Deanna Marcum,
                        Associate Librarian of Congress, Library
                        Services, and

                        Ms. Dianne van der Reyden,
                        Director of the Preservation Directorate,
                        Library of Congress

    10:15-10:45     Case Studies with Hyperspectral Imaging and
                    Scripto-Spatial Digital Mapping: Library of
                    Congress Treasures and other Traditional Media

                        Dr. Fenella France

    10:45-11:00     Break

    11:00-11:30     Case Studies with Portable XRF and XRD:
                    Illuminated Manuscripts, Maps and Other Rare

                        Dr. Lynn Brostoff

    11:30-12:00     Case Studies with E-SEM: Photographs,
                    Miniatures, and Magnetic Media

                        Dr. Jennifer Wade

    12:00-1:00      Lunch

    1:00-1:30       Update on LC's Recycled Paper Research

                        Mr. Matthew Kullman

    1:30-2:00       Update on LC's Electronic Media Research

                        Dr. Steve Hobaica and Ms. Michele Youket

    2:00-2:30       Update on an LC Technology Transfer Project to
                    Preserve Time-Based Media

                        Mr. Peter Alyea

    2:30-2:45       Break

    2:45-3:15       Update on LC's Environmental Studies for "Visual
                    Storage" and Exhibition

                        Dr. Fenella France

    3:15-3:30       Update on Other LC Research Initiatives

                        Dr. Eric Hansen, Chief of the Preservation
                        Research and Testing Division

    3:30-3:45       Concluding Remarks

                        Ms. Dianne van der Reyden

    3:45-4:00       Break

    4:00-5:00       "Behind the Scenes" Overview

Webcast opportunity:  If you would like to participate in the
morning or afternoon sessions via webcast, send email to
elin<-at->loc<.>gov no less than three days in advance of the event.

The Topics in Preservation Series lectures are free and open to the
public.  For further details and updated information about the
series, please visit


Dianne van der Reyden
Director for Preservation
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20540-4500

                  Conservation DistList Instance 23:39
                   Distributed: Friday, April 9, 2010
                       Message Id: cdl-23-39-016
Received on Tuesday, 6 April, 2010

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