Subject: Journal of PaperConservation
The march 2010 issue, vol. 11, of Journal of PaperConservation (formerly PapierRestaurierung), the IADA periodical on paper conservation, has been published. The main article is: Andreas Gruber, Taiyoung Ha: Zaponlack auf Daguerreotypien: Historische Schutzuberzuge in der Albertina-Fotosammlung (Zaponlacquer on Daguerreotypes: Historical Protective Coatings in the Albertina Photo Collection) in GERMAN with English abstract: pp 24-31 Under the heading "Projects" you can find, inter alia, four different articles: Helmgard Holle et al.: Cellulosefasern: Identifizierungsmoglichkeiten und Bestimmung des Abbaugrades von Papierobjekten. Teil 1: Versuchspapiere und Alterung in GERMAN: pp 9-13 Tyll Gerats, Claudia Kleinbub: Funf Jahre nach dem Brand der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar IV: Pro Helvetica in Weimar--eine Schweizer Initiative in GERMAN: pp 13-17 Adrien Weissinger-Bankos, Elisabeth Macho-Biegler: Neue Wege bei der Restaurierung von Samt- und Seideneinbanden im Prunksaal der ONB in GERMAN: pp 18-23 Further, the issue contains other contributions (in English and GERMAN) under the headings: Editorial, IADA News, Materials and Equipment, Literature, Training, Calendar, and information about the programme of the IADA Symposium 2010 in Prague which is also announced at <URL:> All titles, abstracts, links can be found at <URL:> Information and orders: Fototext Publishing House Wolfgang Jaworek Liststr. 7 /B 70180 Stuttgart Germany Fax: +49 711 609024 ISSN: 1563 2628 w.jaworek<-at->fototext<.>s<.>shuttle<.>de *** Conservation DistList Instance 23:36 Distributed: Monday, March 22, 2010 Message Id: cdl-23-36-011 ***Received on Tuesday, 16 March, 2010