Subject: Masterclasses on dry cleaning
ICN International masterclass Dry Cleaning methods Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) International masterclass Dry Cleaning methods 7-8 June 2010 The ICN just completed a 3-year study of dry cleaning methods applied on unvarnished modern paintings. Cleaning efficiency and side effects were investigated for a total of 25 dry cleaning materials among which the Groom stick, PVC erasers, the smoke sponge or the Akapad (formerly known as Wishab). The ICN organizes this masterclass to both keep moving forward with this project and share its approach, results and conclusions. The first day of this course will allow each participant to become acquainted with 10 to 12 different dry cleaning materials from the microfiber cloth, plasticine, sponge and eraser groups. The second day will focus on investigating further selected results and evaluations of the first day. Participants will be able to practice and discuss their findings at each stage of this workshop. Tests and evaluations of the materials will be performed on oil-paint and gouache samples, as well as on a real painting. The course emphasizes on communication and observation. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to make their own opinions on dry cleaning methods, and this way extend the range of their treatment best practices beyond the common usage of solvent-based approaches. Teachers: Klaas-Jan van den Berg ICN-senior researcher and projectleader Maude Daudin Schotte Free-lance painting conservator Henk van Keulen ICN-researcher Py-GCMS Targetgroup: Painting conservators and senior painting conservators Location: ICN Ateliergebouw Amsterdam Participants: 10 Price: Euro 455,- Agenda key points 7 June 2010 Introduction to the research approach Cleaning purposes and ethic Mechanical and chemical actions Presentation of the research results Materials to be tested and evaluation method Conclusions from Py-GCMS and FTIR analyses Short database of most standard particulate residues visible with light microscope Tests session # 1 8 June 2010 Presentation of the Dry Cleaning Project conclusions Tests session # 2 Register online at <URL: en/actueel/agenda/masterclass-dry-cleaning-june-2010> **** Moderator's comments: The above URL has been wrapped for email. There should be no newline. For more information, please contact: Angeniet Boeve <angeniet.boeve<-at->icn<.>nl> Cor Mulders Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) Library PO Box 76709 1070 KA Amsterdam The Netherlands +31 20 305 4762 Fax: +31 20 305 4600 *** Conservation DistList Instance 23:34 Distributed: Thursday, March 11, 2010 Message Id: cdl-23-34-016 ***Received on Wednesday, 10 March, 2010