Subject: Conference on cleaning paintings--addendum
International Conference Cleaning 2010: New insights into the cleaning of paintings Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) May 26-28, 2010 Organization: This conference is a joint effort of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) and the Smithsonian Institution (SI) Venue: This conference will be held at the UPV in May 26-28, 2010. Languages: English and Spanish (simultaneous translation will be available during the conference) Fees: Early Bird Registration (before March 15, 2010): Students: 200 euros Professionals: 275 euros Standard Registration (from March 15, 2010): Students: 300 euros Professionals: 375 euros (Fees include access to all sessions, simultaneous translation, proceedings and coffee breaks) Accommodation: special rates soon in the website For more information: <URL:> cleaning2010<-at->upv<.>es Program (updated February, 2010) Wednesday May 26, 2010 8-00-9.00 Registration 9-00-9.30 Opening Ceremony Session 1: Opening 9-30-9.45 Introduction 9-45-10.30 Opening talk "The Art and Science of Cleaning Paintings" Stephen Hackney Tate Gallery Session 2: Ethics and Aesthetics 10-30-11.00 "Cleaning treatments in easel paintings in Italy: a history of a slow and difficult travel in the last 15 years: difficulties, lack of understanding, contrasts and positive results" Erminio Signorini Cesmar7 (Italia) 11-00-11.30 "The Removal of 'Patina' " Stephen Gritt National Gallery of Canada 12-00-12.30 "Solvents, gels, cotton swabs... look out!" Konrad Laudenbacher Former Head of the Conservation Dept. Doerner Institut de Munich, responsible for the Nueva Pinacoteca and Schackgalerie 12-30-13.30 Poster session (1st part) 13-30-15.00 Lunch Session 3: Traditional Media: Egg Tempera and Oil 15-00-15.30 "The chemistry of egg binding medium and its interactions with organic solvents and water" Antonella Casoli Univ. Parma 15-30-16.00 "Oils: The chemistry of drying oils and the potential for solvent disruption" Charles Tumosa Univ. Baltimore 16-00-16.30 "The Influence of Pigments and Ion Migration on the Durability of Drying Oil and Alkyd Paints" M.F. Mecklenburg Smithsonian Institution 16-30-17.00 Coffee Break 17-00-17.30 "Effects of organic solvents on artists' oil paints" Alan Phenix Getty Conservation Institute 17-30-18.00 "Quantifying solvent leaching effects on aged oil paints" Ken Sutherland Philadelphia Museum of Art 18-00-18.30 "An evaluation of changes in the appearance of 19thC grounds on canvas on varnishing and varnish removal" Aviva Burnstock, Meredith Watson and Emily Nieder Courtauld Institute Thursday May 27, 2010 Session 4: Acrylics and Polyvinylacetates 9-30-9.45 Introduction Tom Learner Getty Conservation Institute 9-45-10.15 "Cleaning of acrylic emulsion paints and the influence of paint formulation" Richard Wolbers Univ. Delaware 10-15-10.45 "Surfactants and acrylic emulsion paints: evaluating changes induced by surface cleaning treatments" Browyn Ormsby, E. Kampasakali, P. Smithen and T. Learner Tate Gallery 10-45-11.15 "Multi-technique study of the effect of chemical cleaning of acrylic and PVAc paintings" T. Domenech et al. Univ. Politecnica de Valencia 11-15-11.45 Coffee Break Session 5: Alkyds and Modern Oils 11-45-12.15 "Characterisation and Stability Issues of Artists' Alkyd Paints" Rebecca Ploeger and Oscar Chiantore Univ. Turin 12-15-12.45 "The non-ideal Action of Binary Solvent Mixtures on Oil and Alkyd Paint - Influence of the Selective Solvation and The Cavitation Energy" Stefan Zumbuhl Bern University of Applied Science. Art Technological Laboratory 12-45-13.15 "Progress in the Water Sensitive Oil Paints project" KJ Van der Berg Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage (ICN) 13-15-15.00 Lunch Session 6: Cleaning Systems 15-00-15.30 "Rigid gels and enzyme cleaning" Paolo Cremonesi Cesmar 7 (Italia) 15-30-16.00 "Soaps and residues" A. Sanchez-Ledesma U. Complutense Madrid 16-00-16.30 "Dry cleaning on paint surfaces" Maude Daudin-Schotte (Freelance Conservator), Madeleine Bisschoff (Freelance Conservator), Ineke Joosten (ICN) and KJ Van der Berg (ICN) 16-30-17.00 "The Modular Cleaning Program Applied to the Cleaning of Acrylic Surfaces" Chris Stavroudis (Freelance Conservator) and Tiarna Doherty (Getty Conservation Institute) Friday May 28, 2010 Session 7: Influence of Research in the Practice of Cleaning Treatments 9-00-10.30 Poster session (2nd part) 10-30-12.30 Panel discussion: M. Mecklenburg (SI), Pilar Sedano (Head of the Cons. Dept. Museo del Prado), S. Gritt (Nat. Gallery Canada), P. Cremonesi (Cesmar7) and A. Phenix (Getty) Moderator: Jacqueline Ridge (National Galleries of Scotland) 12-30-13.00 Closing of the conference 13.00 Closing Wine *** Conservation DistList Instance 23:33 Distributed: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Message Id: cdl-23-33-011 ***Received on Monday, 1 March, 2010