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Subject: Publication on retouching paintings

Publication on retouching paintings

From: Chantal-Helen Thuer <c_thur<-at->
Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010
A New title from Archetype Publications Ltd:

    Mixing and Matching: Approaches to Retouching Paintings
    Edited by Rebecca Ellison, Patricia Smithen and Rachel Turnbull
    Paperback ISBN: 9781904982500
    Price UKP39.50/$80.00

Due for Publication: January 2010

The three one-day conferences from which the papers in this title
are taken were jointly hosted by Paintings Group of the Institute of
Conservation (ICON) and the British Association of Painting
Conservators-Restorers (BAPCR) and held at the Courtauld Institute
in London in 2007. The conferences explored egg tempera retouching,
resin retouching and retouching complex surfaces.

Written by practising conservators, the papers in this volume
discuss various approaches to retouching paintings and the
challenges that they present. They cover the history behind
techniques used today and also the scientific basis of conservation
and restoration techniques.

Special price for Icon and BAPCR members who order before
22 Jan 2010 UKP30.00 plus postage (see below)


Section One: Egg Tempera Retouching

    Rachel Turnbull

    The History of Egg Tempera as a Retouching Medium
    Ann Massing

    The Composition and Chemistry of Eggs and Egg Tempera
    Alan Phenix

    The Art of Tempera Retouching
    Mary Kempski

Section Two: Resin Retouching

    Rebecca Ellison

    Retouching Media used at the National Gallery, London, since the
    Nineteenth Century
    Paul Ackroyd

    The State of Research into Retouching Resins
    Spike Bucklow

    Properties of Pigments, Retouching Media and their Use
    Peter Koneczny

    Retouching with a PVA Resin Medium
    Sarah Cove

    Retouching with Paraloid B72
    Kate Lowry

    Retouching with Gamblin Conservation Colours
    Jill Dunkerton

Section Three: Retouching Complex Surfaces

    Patricia Smithen

    The use of a Portable Spectrophotometer for Retouching
    Stig Evans, Andrew Hanson

    An Unusual Case of Integration and its Solution
    Marco Ciatti,
    Paolo Roma Oriana Sartiani, Leonardo Severini

    Two Case Histories: Pushing the Border of Retouching and
    Reconstruction:  Can enough ever be too much?
    Laurent Sozzani

    An Introduction to B72 Retouching Gels
    Peter Koneczny

    The Properties of B72 Retouching Gels and their use
    Peter Koneczny

    Texturing Fills with Silicone Moulds
    Simon Folkes, Sophie Reddington

    Retouching Media for Acrylic Paintings
    Maureen Cross, Shelley Simms

Discounted rate of UKP30.00 plus postage when ordered by credit card
from ICON Paintings Group before 22 Jan 2010

+44 20 7629 4859

UK Postage: UKP5.00,
Worldwide airmail at cost price

More information on this title is available at

                  Conservation DistList Instance 23:26
                Distributed: Wednesday, January 20, 2010
                       Message Id: cdl-23-26-013
Received on Thursday, 14 January, 2010

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