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Subject: Masterclass on painted furniture

Masterclass on painted furniture

From: Ron Kievits <ron.kievits<-a>
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Painted Furniture: Analysis and interpretation
Ateliergebouw, Hobbemastraat 22, 1071 ZC Amsterdam
10 November - 13 November 2008

Organised by: Stichting  Ebenist,  the Netherlands Institute for
Cultural Heritage (ICN), Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

This 4-day masterclass is primarily aimed at professionals from the
conservation field who will also take part in the symposium on
Vernacular Furniture 14-15 November, 2008.

The course will outline options for research supporting conservation
of painted historic furniture. You will be asked to study a
selection of historic furniture representative of typical decorative
paint techniques and often showing a complex build-up of paint
layers. Various analytical methods will be demonstrated and
performed on the case studies and the results evaluated. From
dendrochronological techniques to examinations via IR-reflectography
and X-radiography, to microscopy (optical and scanning electron),
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and X-Ray-Fluorescence
spectrometry (XRF) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).
The limitations and possibilities of these research techniques will
be addressed and discussed. The masterclass will offer a combination
of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on experience such as sampling
of paint layers, observation of samples and replicating decorative
traditional painting techniques. Eleven experts with a background in
conservation and research techniques will be teaching.

We will be using the facilities of the Ateliergebouw, Amsterdam: the
shared premises of the Rijksmuseum Conservation Centre, the Research
Section of the ICN and the University of Amsterdam.

Supervisor Masterclass:

    Mr. Hans Piena
    Head curator Dutch Open Air Museum Arnhem


    Mr. IJsbrand Hummelen
    Researcher ICN

    Prof. dr. Esther Jansma
    RACM Amersfoort, Utrecht University, Utrecht

    Dr. Ineke Joosten
    Researcher ICN

    Mr. Henk van Keulen
    Researcher ICN

    Dr. Claudia Kinmonth MA(RCA)
    Furniture researcher, Ireland

    Dr. Luc Megens
    Researcher ICN

    Ms. Leonieke Polman
    Ornamental painter, Amsterdam

    Dr. Alberto de Tagle
    Senior researcher ICN

    Dr. Arie Wallert
    Researcher RMA

    Mr. Karl-Heinz Wustner
    Furniture researcher, Rossler-Museum
    Untermaunkheim, Germany

Course Size: 18
Course Fee:  Euro 450
(This programme is supported by the RMA, the ICN and the Migelien
Gerritzen Fonds. Without this support the cost would be: Euro 695)

Registration is only possible through the Stichting Ebenist website

Course Conditions:

Selection of participants will be based on the following criteria:
taking part in the Symposium on Vernacular Furniture 14-15 November,
2008; order of receipt of registration; balance of institutional and
private-practice conservators; number of registrants from a single
organisation. Early registration is advised.

Payment: Upon selection you will receive an invoice with the written
confirmation of your registration. The amount for participation must
have been credited to our account at least four weeks before
commencement of the course. If payment is not received in time, we
cannot guarantee your participation. The prices include materials
and lunch. Participants will be sent a reader and further details on
the course after payment.

For the complete programme, please go to

                  Conservation DistList Instance 22:14
                 Distributed: Sunday, September 7, 2008
                       Message Id: cdl-22-14-014
Received on Tuesday, 2 September, 2008

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