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Subject: Course on conservation of plastics

Course on conservation of plastics

From: Liz Campbell <liz.campbell<-a>
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Conservation of Plastics
PC7810-14-17 July 2008
Course Leader:  Thea van Oosten, ICN, The Netherlands

West Dean College, Chichester, West Sussex, England
Continuing Professional Development - Professional Conservators in

Plastics can be found in ethnographical and textile collections
imitating precious materials like ivory, tortoiseshell and amber, in
modern art collections of three-dimensional non-traditional art, in
collections of household goods and in collections of scientific
equipment.  Plastics can be found in every museum collection and
this will increase in the future.

How do we deal with plastic and plastic objects in collections? Can
we identify plastics or different types of plastic, as this is a
relatively new material?  There are guidelines for the passive
conservation of plastics, but the active conservation of plastics
still has to be developed. The aim of the course is to acquaint
conservators, conservation scientists and restorers with the current
state of knowledge regarding identification, degradation and
conservation of plastics as used in our cultural heritage.

    Non-residential course fee:  UKP330
    Full residential course fee:  From UKP450

For further information please contact

    Liz Campbell
    West Dean College.
    +44 1243 818219
    liz.campbell<-a t->westdean< . >org< . >uk

Liz Campbell
Continuing Professional Development Coordinator
West Dean College
West Dean
West Sussex PO18 0QZ
+44 1243 818219
Fax: +44 1243 811343

                  Conservation DistList Instance 21:65
                   Distributed: Sunday, June 15, 2008
                       Message Id: cdl-21-65-017
Received on Tuesday, 10 June, 2008

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