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Subject: Associateship at Yale

Associateship at Yale

From: Roseanne Fabrizio <roseanne.fabrizio<-a>
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Post-Graduate Research Associateship in Paper Conservation
Yale Center for British Art

The Yale Center for British Art is offering a 2-year Post-Graduate
Research Associateship for Advanced Training in the Conservation of
Works of Art on Paper.  The Associateship may be extended one year
by mutual agreement.  Candidates must have received a master's
degree in conservation within the past 3 years.  They must have the
ability to do research and undertake the highest quality
conservation treatments.

The Fellow will work under the supervision of the Chief Paper
Conservator in a modern and well equipped conservation laboratory.
S/he will be encouraged to expand and refine technical skills while
developing a sense of connoisseurship by utilizing the superb
collections of the Center.  The Yale Center for British Art is the
largest collection of British art outside the UK, including over
50,000 works on paper.  A Center-wide resource, the Paper
Conservation Laboratory, researches, advises on, and undertakes the
treatment of a great variety of works of art from the 16th century
to the present.

The overall goal of conservation training in the Paper Conservation
Laboratory is to provide the highest-quality, practical educational
experience. As part of a major research university, the Center
engages in interdisciplinary projects involving many parts of Yale.
The Fellow will have opportunities to work with curators,
conservators and other Center staff, as well as students, faculty,
and scholars from outside Yale who are contributing to Center
projects.  The Center is actively involved in research, teaching,
and the organization of exhibitions--activities in which the Fellow
will participate.  S/he will undertake a research project to be
shared with the museum, conservation, and scholarly communities,
making  full use of the research facilities of the Center and the
university at large.

Written applications should include a letter describing the
candidate's professional interest in the position; curriculum vitae;
record of masters degree in conservation; transcript of graduate
course of study (unofficial copy is acceptable); names of three
references, with full contact information; and three confidential
letters of reference sent under separate cover.

Fellowship applications should be sent to:

    Theresa Fairbanks Harris
    Conservation Department
    Yale Center for British Art
    PO Box 208280
    New Haven, CT 06520-8280

Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.  The
deadline for applications is March 15, 2008.  The starting date is

The position will include: a stipend of $35,000 per year, a travel
allowance for research, and Yale University health and vacation
benefits (22 vacation days; 18 holidays, recess and personal days;
and comprehensive health care).  Yale University is an equal
opportunity employer.

Informal questions can be directed to Theresa Fairbanks Harris
<theresa.fairbanks-harris<-a t->yale< . >edu or 203-432-2837>.

Roseanne Fabrizio
Human Resource Manager
Yale Center for British Art

                  Conservation DistList Instance 21:44
                Distributed: Saturday, February 23, 2008
                       Message Id: cdl-21-44-026
Received on Tuesday, 19 February, 2008

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