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Subject: New Journal: Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology

New Journal: Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology

From: Emily Williams <ewilliams<-a>
Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology

Beneath please find information on a new publishing venture by the
Society for Historical archaeologists.  I don't think that the
conservation papers are meant to be limited in their utility to only
historical archaeologists but rather to archaeology in general.  For
those interested in a quick, reviewed paper this may be just the

    Mission Statement: Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology is
    an electronic peer-reviewed publication series devoted to the
    fast dissemination of shorter specialized technical papers in
    historical archaeology,  maritime archaeology, material culture
    technology and materials conservation.  Submissions are to be
    high quality contributions of no more than 2000 words with
    immediate and long term relevance to the SHA membership and the
    profession in general. All aspects of the publication process,
    from submission through paper review to final publication will
    be done online.  Submission requirements, format, and
    copy-editing will conform to publication guidelines established
    for the SHA journal Historical Archaeology. After final
    acceptance by the editor, papers are published on the SHA server
    in HTML and PDF formats with a series link to the SHA homepage.
    As they are published, papers will be paginated sequentially
    within a numbered volume based on a calendar year.  A Table of
    Contents will be published annually in the SHA Newsletter.

    Series Content

        Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology will be devoted
        to specialized articles focused upon or with relevance to
        the following areas:

            1.  development and/or application of new
                technologies/methodologies for use in historical
                archaeology fieldwork either on land or in nautical

            2.  development and/or application of new
                technologies/methodologies for data analysis and
                interpretation in historical archaeological

            3.  development and/or application of new
                technologies/methodologies in materials conservation
                or artifact curation;

            4.  development and/or new application of data
                presentation or analytic methods in such areas as
                graphic illustration, photographic/photogrammetric
                documentation, data base management and website
                construction; and

            5.  presentation of new and specific data of importance
                to dating or analysis of material culture
                technologies in historical archaeology.

    An Editorial Committee will be responsible for acceptance,
    review and publication of articles within the series. The
    Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology Editor, appointed for
    a three year term by the SHA Editor, heads the committee.  The
    Technical Briefs Editor shall also sit as a member of the SHA
    Editorial Advisory Committee. The Technical Briefs Committee
    will further consist of between four and six Associate Editors
    appointed by the Technical Briefs Editor for three year terms.
    All editorial terms are renewable, and there are no term limits.
    These individuals are to represent different areas of technical
    expertise within the profession of Historical Archaeology with
    at least one member having expertise in Maritime archaeology.
    Editorial Policy

    Submitted manuscripts must be written in English, be of no more
    than 2000 words, and constitute original pieces of work.
    Manuscripts previously published on a personal or institutional
    homepage may be considered unpublished works and eligible for
    publication in the series.  All manuscripts must follow SHA
    style provisions for the journal Historical Archaeology or they
    will not be accepted by the Editor for peer review.  The SHA
    Style Guide can be accessed online at
    <URL:>   Submitted
    papers are expected to meet a high standard of quality in
    keeping with SHA journal criteria.  The Technical Briefs Editor
    reserves the right to reject (with or without review by
    referees) or return for revision any submission that is of poor
    quality, excessive length or that addresses>  an inappropriate
    subject matter.  Copyright ownership for all articles to be
    published within Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology
    shall be transferred by the author(s) to the Society for
    Historical Archaeology as detailed in the copyright agreement
    employed by the journal Historical Archaeology.

    Manuscript Submission and Review:  Manuscripts are submitted
    electronically to the Technical Briefs Editor as a Microsoft
    Word document file.  Manuscripts are to incorporate a title
    page, the manuscript text, acknowledgements, a list of
    references cited, a list of figure and table captions should
    they be required, formatted tables should they be required and
    an abstract of no more than 100 words. Figures, including
    photographs, are to be high quality artwork and submitted as
    separate files in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300
    DPI. Figures are not to be imbedded in the manuscript text file.

    Once manuscripts are received, the Technical Briefs Editor will
    immediately review the subject content and format and make a
    decision on the suitability of the manuscript for peer review.
    The author will then be notified of the decision. Authors whose
    manuscripts do not meet SHA style guidelines but where the
    subject matter is appropriate, may be encouraged to revise and
    resubmit their work. A manuscript considered suitable for review
    will be sent to an Associate Editor whose technical expertise
    most closely relates to the subject matter.  The Associate
    Editor will serve as a reviewer and forward the document to one
    additional external reviewer with appropriate expertise.  Based
    on these reviews, the Associate Editor will prepare a manuscript
    assessment and make a recommendation on the suitability of the
    manuscript for publication.  The Technical Briefs Editor and the
    SHA Editor will be responsible for acceptance and publication of
    all papers.  The Technical Briefs Editor will notify the author
    that the manuscript has been accepted unconditionally, has been
    accepted after the author has addressed recommended revisions,
    or that the manuscript has been rejected.  Once accepted
    unconditionally, authors will be mailed  the SHA copyright
    release form for their signature and return.

    Manuscript Publication: Manuscripts with SHA copyright ownership
    will first be copy-edited to ensure SHA style guidelines are
    met.  They will then be formatted to the Technical Briefs in
    Historical Archaeology template. The Technical Briefs series
    will be indexed by year, with each year given a sequential
    number.  Papers will be given sequential page numbers within the
    yearly volume.  Formatted manuscripts will be posted on a
    designated SHA Website accessible only to authors.  Authors will
    receive email notification of the posting and will be
    responsible for proof reading the text and making corrections.
    Authors will be given a maximum response time of 72 hours for
    page proof revisions.  Manuscripts will then be published on the
    SHA server in HTML and PDF formats through links to the SHA
    homepage and the Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology
    homepage.  Technical Briefs in Historical Archaeology Volume 1
    will include 2005 publications.  The Table of Contents for
    Volume 1 will be updated as papers are added to the volume.  The
    series will be accessible to all internet users accessing the
    SHA home page.

    Reprint Requests and External Links: Requests may be made to the
    SHA Editor for permission to reprint articles from the series,
    or to establish external website links.  The SHA Editor may
    grant permission to reprint entire articles or excerpts but will
    not grant permission to print abstracts or condensations other
    than those original to the article.  Briefs must be reprinted as
    published, except that typographical errors may be corrected.

    No changes favoring alternate spellings are permitted ("color"
    to "colour" or "archaeology" "archeology".

                  Conservation DistList Instance 18:42
                  Distributed: Friday, March 11, 2005
                       Message Id: cdl-18-42-015
Received on Wednesday, 2 March, 2005

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