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Subject: Transitional Metals in Paper

Transitional Metals in Paper

From: John Havermans <j.havermans>
Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2003
Transitional Metals in Paper--MIP  EVK4-2002-10010

A New European Thematic Network has been established. Since March 1,
2003 the Thematic Network Transitional Metals in Paper funded by the
European Commission, Community Research, is reality.

The objectives for the thematic network "Transitional Metals in
Paper (MIP)" are:

    a.  Obtain a vertical integration of expertise, products,
        technology and policy involved in the
        preservation/conservation of our European paper based
        cultural heritage related to transitional metals and their
        role in paper ageing and conservation.

    b.  To exchange present knowledge related to paper conservation
        technology and to establish needs for innovative paper
        conservation strategies consists of assessment methods and
        treatment technologies on a European level.

    c.  To disseminate information to the end-users (e.g., from
        Museums, Archives and Libraries) frequently and to act as
        the interface between science, end-user and supplier.

The deterioration of paper in Museums, Archives and Libraries has
been studied for more than 150 years by many researchers. Activities
like the European Conference in Rotterdam at the Boijmans Museum
(1997) and more recently at The Iron-gall Ink Meeting at the
University of Northumbria at Newcastle (2000) showed that iron-gall
ink corrosion is a serious problem. The corrosion effect can be
generalized as the effects of transitional metals in paper. In order
to prevent that each individual research team is inventing the wheel
at the same time, it is important that they work together, so they
complement each other and come to a solution more quickly, or
translate scientific work into new technologies.

At present, new initiatives in research are going on in order to
protect our paper-based cultural heritage. Some of them are:

    *   Decrease the metal-tannin ink corrosion by developing new

    *   Extended and long term effects of deacidification

    *   Development of assessment strategies

    *   Preventive conservation techniques

    *   Accelerated ageing techniques

These individual activities will now be co-ordinated on a European
level and therefore the information exchange and dissemination will
be improved to e.g. the end-users and suppliers.

Members of the EU thematic network will combine their knowledge and
expertise for gaining new perspectives and needs in innovative
conservation strategies and assessment tools. The knowledge
generated via this network and by making the information available
on community level is also necessary in order not to obtain
duplicate research but reach the step beyond the state-of-the-art,
from science to application.

This thematic network will contribute to the objectives of the
Environment and Sustainable Development, Key Action 4: The city of
tomorrow and cultural heritage, because the network deal with all
kinds of knowledge that is necessary for the protection,
conservation and preservation of our paper-based cultural heritage.
The network will contribute primarily to the RTD Priority 4.2.2,
development of innovative conservation strategies, focusing on the
movable material "paper".  Besides this priority, we are
sub-targeting to Priority 4.2.1. Assessment strategies, as before to
undertake any innovative conservation action one must found the
needs by having good assessment tools.

The approach of this thematic network related to the Key Action is
based on having vertical discussions (discipline co-ordinated) and
is based on horizontal discussions (theme co-ordinated) resulting in
cross-linking of the disciplines raising the international awareness
of preserving our heritage and increasing the knowledge transfer

The thematic network counts 21 official members from all over
Europe. They come form three "disciplines":

    *   Universities and (Conservation) Research institutes.

    *   Suppliers as conservation-workshops providing direct
        activities and current used technologies as leaf casting,
        deacidification, freeze-drying, and non-destructive

    *   End-users providing the network with the needs for
        conservation strategies (assessment and conservation
        treatment technologies).

Based on two main groups, fundamental issues and applied issues we
defined at the kick-off meeting four theme-groups:

Theme 1 relates to Fundamental Studies in Transitional Metals and
Deterioration. Within this theme group (TG-1), discussions and
knowledge exchange will take place to understand what is happening.
Thus it includes degradation mechanisms, accelerated ageing as
judgment of conservation treatments, analytical support for
diagnostics, and synergistic (environmental) effects.

Within the applied research and applications we have:

    Active Conservation--Chemical Aspects.

        Items as conventional methods, inhibitors and
        deacidification will be discussed here (TG-2);

    Active Conservation--Physical Aspects.

        Here in TG-3 items such as paper splitting, strengthening,
        leaf casting and cleaning will be included; and

    Preventive Conservation.

        Environmental storage conditions, boxing, etc. are the
        principal items belonging to this working group (TG-4).

The network is open for more partners, however due to financial
restrictions their activities cannot be funded. Unfortunately, we
even have to ask for an annual feel for administrative costs.

Based on the individual existing local networks, local research, and
running EU-research related to the aim of this network, the results,
needs, strategies and possible technologies will be identified

Workshops will be organized in order disseminate the network and
individual results.

Also an internet site will be established showing all activities
coming from the network, Work on the topics can lead to the spin-off
of EU-RTD/CRAFT/Demonstration-projects in order not only to
safeguard our cultural heritage as stored in Archives, Libraries and
Museums, but also other ligno-cellulose materials affected with
deterioration caused by transitional metals.

We will target on EU-level by having a regular contact; exchanging
knowledge on facilitates, by means of working-meetings and
individual meetings.


    Dr John Havermans
    TNO Building and Construction Research (TNO Bouw)
    Department: Healthy Buildings and Systems (GGI)
    Research Area Materials and Environment
    +31 15 276 33 13
    Fax: +31 15 276 30 23
    j.Havermans [at] bouw__tno__nl

    Postal address:
        PO.Box 49
        2600 AA Delft
        The Netherlands

    Visiting address:
        Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6
        2600 AA Delft
        The Netherlands

    TNO Bouw: <URL:>
    TNO: <URL:>

                  Conservation DistList Instance 17:27
                Distributed: Thursday, September 4, 2003
                       Message Id: cdl-17-27-004
Received on Wednesday, 3 September, 2003

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