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Subject: Coroplast


From: Pete Sixbey <pete.sixbey>
Date: Monday, August 18, 2003
Our museum purchased cabinets to store Civil War flags in March
2003. All three museum technicians working in the vicinity of the
cabinets are experiencing health problems, ie. allergies, burning
eyes and other problems. There is a strong acidic-like smell from
the interiors especially when kept closed up. The cabinet materials
include large sheets of coroplast for the shelves, silicone gaskets,
powder-coated steel walls and plastic end pieces on sides of each
shelf. The manufacturer claims that he has not experienced this
problem and wonders if it may be a bad batch of coroplast. Has
anyone experienced this problem? I have never heard of this problem
with coroplast.

                  Conservation DistList Instance 17:21
                  Distributed: Monday, August 18, 2003
                       Message Id: cdl-17-21-011
Received on Monday, 18 August, 2003

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