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Subject: Position at Advanced Residency Program in Photograph Conservation

Position at Advanced Residency Program in Photograph Conservation

From: Douglas Nishimura <dwnpph>
Date: Friday, March 14, 2003
Assistant Director for Conservation Education (salary: $55 K)
Mellon Advanced Residency Program

The Advanced Residency Program in Photograph Conservation (ARP)
seeks a highly motivated, achievement-oriented individual with
serious interest in contributing to the success of this unique
educational and research program. A collaboration between the George
Eastman House, International Museum of Photography and Film (GEH),
and the Image Permanence Institute (IPI) of the Rochester Institute
of Technology (RIT), the ARP is now entering its third cycle. The
program provides two-year fellowships to eight international
professional photograph conservators to support advanced training,
professional development and research. Primary funding is provided
by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The newly created position of Assistant Director for Conservation
Education will be a two-year grant-supported appointment with the
possibility of continuation beyond August 2005, pending further
funding of the program.

The Assistant Director position requires an MS Degree in Art
Conservation, photograph conservation experience, and a demonstrated
record of achievement as an effective manager, communicator and
researcher with interest in education. This unique position
incorporates major administrative, development and educational
responsibilities as well as those of an institutional conservator.

Creativity, leadership and enthusiasm are essential. The Assistant
Director of the ARP will have major responsibility for the success
of the program, working closely with the program directors.

The primary responsibilities will be:

    *   Participation in the administration of the ARP
    *   Developing and implementing conservation treatment within
        the curriculum
    *   Initiating and guiding program research
    *   Mentoring fellows
    *   Serving the institutional conservation needs of the George
        Eastman House
    *   Writing grant proposals on behalf of the GEH and ARP
    *   Creation of presentations and publications

The position will commence August 1, 2003. Salary will be $55,000
per year, plus benefits. Applications will be accepted until May 31,
2003. Interested candidates should send a letter of application,
curriculum vitae and three references to:

    Grant B. Romer, Director
    Advanced Residency Program in Photograph Conservation
    George Eastman House
    900 East Avenue
    Rochester, NY 14607
    romer [at] geh__org

Douglas Nishimura
Senior Research Scientist
(Faculty ARP)
Image Permanence Institute

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:53
                  Distributed: Tuesday, March 18, 2003
                       Message Id: cdl-16-53-023
Received on Friday, 14 March, 2003

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