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Subject: Positions at NARA

Positions at NARA

From: Susan Lee-bechtold <susan.lee-bechtold>
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2003
Senior Conservator and GS-13 Supervisory Conservator
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)

The Document Conservation Laboratory at the National Archives and
Records Administration MD is seeking to fill the positions of GS-12
Senior Conservator and GS-13 Supervisory Conservator.  These are
permanent full-time positions located in College Park, MD.  The
Document Conservation Laboratory focuses on treating a wide range of
archival records in their original formats-including paper,
parchment, photographs, bound volumes, maps and architectural

In addition, the Laboratory staff is involved in a number of
preservation initiatives, including preservation training,
developing specifications, supporting the exhibits and loan program,
and working with custodial archivists to devise preservation
strategies for textual and non-textual records.  The Document
Conservation Laboratory is comprised of over 20 conservators and
conservation scientists occupying well-equipped state-of-the-art

Applications must be delivered or postmarked by March 3, 2003.  To
see the vacancy announcements for these positions (both the public
notices and the announcements for applicants with federal career or
career-conditional status) see:  For
further information, contact

    Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler
    Chief, Document Conservation Laboratory
    marylynn.ritzenthaler [at] nara__gov

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:46
                 Distributed: Friday, January 31, 2003
                       Message Id: cdl-16-46-034
Received on Thursday, 30 January, 2003

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