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Subject: Internship at Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory

Internship at Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory

From: Howard B. Wellman <wellman>
Date: Thursday, January 2, 2003
MAC Lab Internship 2004
Archaeological Object Conservation

The Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab) is
offering a twelve month internship in archaeological object
conservation from September 2003 to August 2004.  This is the second
of two internships supported by a grant from the Institute of Museum
and Library Services (IMLS). The MAC Lab is a division of the
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, and is the
State's central repository for all archaeological collections.  The
intern will work with the Chief and Lead Conservators on collection
assessments, object examination and treatment, environmental
monitoring, photo and x-ray documentation, materials ID and
analysis.  They will also receive training in laboratory safety,
waste management, and data base use.  Objects in the collections
come from terrestrial and marine excavations covering Maryland's
9,000 year history. The intern will be required to present a paper
at the Washington Conservation Guild annual student presentations.

Applicants will be accepted for the following:

    *   Experience in conservation before beginning a formal
        conservation training course, or

    *   Required practical experience to complete a conservation
        degree, or

    *   Post-graduate experience in treating archaeological objects
        from terrestrial and marine sites.

The internship is partially funded by an IMLS Conservation Project
Grant.  The MAC Lab has limited matching funds available, so the
preferred candidate should be able to provide part or all of the
required $11,297 in matching funds from their home institution or
other source to qualify for the total annual State salary of
$26,297(plus limited benefits).  The intern will treated as a
contractual member of staff, with all incumbent duties and

Please submit CV and an application letter to the

    Personnel Officer
    Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum
    10515 Mackall Rd
    St Leonard, MD 20685

The State of Maryland is an equal opportunity employer.

For further information or email submission of application
materials, contact Howard Wellman at 410-586-8577 or email
wellman [at] dhcd__state__md__us.

Howard Wellman
10515 Mackall Rd
St. Leonard, MD  20685

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:41
                Distributed: Wednesday, January 8, 2003
                       Message Id: cdl-16-41-034
Received on Thursday, 2 January, 2003

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