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Subject: Flood damage in Europe

Flood damage in Europe

From: Karen Borchersen <kab>
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2002
The Secretariat of the European Network for Conservation-Restoration
Education <URL:> (ENCoRE) offers to
initiate and coordinate the eventual activities of students help to
rescue cultural heritage in the flooded areas in Europe.

This means that we can offer a quick request for volunteers students
among the ENCoRE member institutions and to bring you in immediate
contact with the Schools who may be able to recruiting help.

In case of to many requests or to many volunteering students. The
Board of ENCoRE will together with the help requesting
authorities/institutions/associations make a priority in the
distribution of the help.

Please fill in the following, in case you need help from students to
assist with the rescue of cultural heritage objects and send it to
secretariat [at] encore-edu__org.

    Name and address of your institution:
    Name,  address, email address and phone number  of your contact
    Subject for help (archive, library, museum, monument, building
    Specification of help task:
    Number of students needed:
    Duration of time you need the help (in days):
    Preferred period of help (from day/month/year to
    Accommodation will be arranged (yes/no)
    Accommodation will be paid (yes/no)
    Travel from and to the student(-s) home address will be paid
    Living expenses of the student(-s) during the stay will be paid

Rene Larsen
Chairman of the Board

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:21
               Distributed: Thursday, September 19, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-16-21-001
Received on Wednesday, 18 September, 2002

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