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Subject: Call for papers--Image processing for cultural heritage

Call for papers--Image processing for cultural heritage

From: Alessandro Piva <piva>
Date: Friday, September 13, 2002
Call for Papers
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Special Issue on Image Processing for Cultural Heritage

Driven by the diffusion of multimedia technology and by the
availability of more and more effective electronic imaging tools,
image-processing techniques have been successfully applied to the
analysis, restoration, archiving and preservation of artworks. Among
the recent developments, it is worth mentioning, for example,
advanced virtual restoration techniques of artworks (offering users
reproductions of artworks as they would have appeared when
originally created or at least close to that), creation of very
high-resolution images of paintings for dissemination or
study-research purposes, evaluation of the quality of digital
reproductions of artworks in printed or displayed form, protection
of artwork digital reproductions through digital watermarking,
extended use of 3D digital techniques for representation and
processing of artworks.

This Special Issue is aimed at dissemination of recent advances in
image processing applications to Cultural Heritage. Research topics
in this field include (but are not limited to):

    *   Image analysis tools for artwork diagnosis

    *   Image processing as an aid in actual and virtual restoration

    *   Very high-quality artwork document production and quality

    *   Color and multispectral image processing for the fine arts

    *   3D image processing for representation of artworks in
        virtual reality

    *   Compression of artwork images

    *   Large size image storage and handling for presentation and

    *   Efficient artwork image indexing and retrieval

    *   Recognition of features and structures in images and 3D
        museum objects

    *   Film restoration and preservation techniques

    *   Watermarking applications

Submission Schedule:

    Deadline for Manuscript Submission:    January 15, 2003
    Reviewers Comments Notification:       March 31, 2003
    Revised Manuscript Submission:         April 30, 2003
    Final Manuscript Submission:           May 30, 2003
    Publication Date:                      October 2003

Submission Procedure: Authors should submit seven copies of the
manuscript to one of the Guest Editors. Please note that, as
described in the Information for Authors, all charges for color are
the responsibility of the author. Payment of fees for color
reproduction is not negotiable nor voluntary, and the author's
agreement to publish the manuscript in the Transactions is
considered acceptance of this requirement.

Guest Editors:

    Vito Cappellini
    Dept. of Electronics and Telecomm.
    University of Florence
    V. S.Marta 3
    50139 Firenze, Italy
    cappellini [at] det__unifi__it

    Henri Maitre
    Departement TSI
    46 rue Barrault
    F-75634 Paris
    Cedex 13, France
    Henri.maitre [at] enst__fr

    Ioannis Pitas
    Dept. of Informatics
    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    Box 451
    Thessaloniki, GR-540.06, Greece
    pitas [at] zeus__csd__auth__gr

    Alessandro Piva
    University of Florence
    V. S.Marta 3
    50139 Firenze, Italy
    alessandro.piva [at] cnit__it

    Dr. Alessandro Piva
    Research Scientist CNIT

    Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni
    U.O. Firenze - Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni

    Via S. Marta 3
    50139 Firenze, Italy
    39 55 4796380
    Fax: +39 55 494569
    piva [at] lci__det__unifi__it
    alessandro.piva [at] cnit__it

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:20
                Distributed: Monday, September 16, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-16-20-008
Received on Friday, 13 September, 2002

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