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Subject: Position at the National Trust

Position at the National Trust

From: Sarah Staniforth <s.staniforth>
Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Conservator (Northern Ireland)
4 days per week
The National Trust

The National Trust wishes to appoint a Conservator for its
properties in Northern Ireland. The post will be based at Rowallane
House.    The Conservator will provide advice and professional
expertise in the preventive and remedial conservation of collections
and historic interiors. The work includes training house staff in
housekeeping and overseeing technical standards in preventive
conservation and care of collections, maintaining conservation
records, advising on remedial conservation priorities and the
allocation of resources, and enabling sustainable access to historic
buildings and collections.

Applicants must have a good first degree and a recognised
conservation qualification.   PACR is highly desirable.    You will
have at least three years' practical experience of working as a
Conservator. Communication, team working, organisational, planning
and IT skills are important, as well as the ability to promote the
interests of conservation and to train, motivate and develop staff
at all levels.   A clean driving licence is also required.

For details and an application form please contact

    Joanne Buczkowska-Taylor
    Change Programme Office
    The National Trust
    36 Queen Anne'e Gate
    London SW1H 9AS
    +44 20 7447 6415
    joanne.buczkowska-taylor [at] nationaltrust__org__uk

Closing date for applications is September 25, 2002.

Interviews will be held in Northern Ireland during the first week of

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:19
               Distributed: Thursday, September 12, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-16-19-028
Received on Tuesday, 10 September, 2002

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