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Subject: Book and paper event

Book and paper event

From: Gudrun Aurand <aurandg>
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2002
    **** Moderator's comments: Note that this posting documents an
    event that has already occurred.

Timeless Tech 2002
Santa, ID

The following class schedule is a dry listing of the events. It in
no way can give even a glimpse of  the richness of the experience
and the great time we all had together. For information of a
different kind see:

Class Schedule

Thursday July 25, 2002
    Tom Conroy. Knife sharpening. Different styles of leather paring
    and wood working knives.

    Tom Conroy. Making finishing presses. Narration and
    demonstration: choice of wood, drilling and threading.

Friday July 26, 2002
    Denise Carbone. Storage books. Construction and use. Presented
    by Denise for Hedi Kyle.

    Melissa Moreton. Presentation with accompanying photographs of
    Papermills she visited. Basel, Switzerland; Fabriano and Amalfi,

Saturday July 27, 2002
    Field trip day. Visiting Moscow, ID and surrounding points of

Sunday July 28, 2002
    Janet Wagner. An illuminated letter. Historic background.
    Instruction with the option to create an illuminated letter.

    Gudrun Aurand. Adhesive Bindings. Historic context.

    Movie night. Paper making in India. Parchment making in

Monday July 29, 2002
    Richard Spelker. Cochineal inks and dyes. Built on Jim Stroud's
    findings. Rip brought a wealth of sample dyes to test with.

    Denise Carbone. Sewing Stitches. Their functional and decorative
    application, based on a class Betsy Eldridge gave 1991 at a PBI
    in Indianola, WA. Each participant was handed an instructional
    booklet with text, image and practise card. Denise had created
    and spiral bound this amazing book.

Tuesday July 30, 2002
    Tom Conroy. Making tooled designs using common gold tooling
    tools without layout, without gold (i.e. blind tooled designs).

    Jack Thompson. Knife sharpening for paring leather. Medium:
    wet-dry aluminum oxide. The session was preceded by video about
    knife sharpening.

Wednesday July 31, 2002
    Barbara Tetenbaum. Introduction into Reduction- Stenciling
    Techniques. Afternoon

    Carving and printing of images, all materials supplied by
    Barbara. Barbara showed a Leporello folding technique that
    connects boards and images made, to create a book format.

Thursday 8-01, 2002
    Melody Eckroth. Right brain-left brain. An overview of the
    written word and its impact on human society. The presentation
    was based on the book: The Alphabet versus the Goddess. The
    conflict between word and Image by Leonard Shlain. 1998.

    Gary Frost. Exploring Book Craft Kit Production, Marketing and
    Vending by machine.

Friday Aug 2, 2002
    Summary of Chris Clarkson's workshop: Endbands, end of
    spinebands and headbands; July 2002 Cambridge, MA.

    Ethan Ensign. Alternative re-backing for 19th century cloth
    bound books. Demonstration.

Saturday Aug 3, 2002
    Paula Jull. Cyanotype. 1840ies photographie. Introduction into
    its history. Paula provided help and all materials to make our
    own cyanotype.  Eternal Consciousness provided the sun.

    Tom Conroy. Opening a book to 360 degrees. Ideology and

Sunday Aug 4, 2002
    Shanna Leino. Leather work before covering. Blind tooling,
    pierce work, cut leather applique over gilt parchment.

    Pam Spitzmuller. Skin sewing techniques. Materials to be sewn:
    leather, vellum, rawhide, buckskin. Materials as sewing medium:
    thread, vellum strips, sinew. Sewing implements: needles (glover,
    domed, sharp); hog-bristle needle (wax-end); pricking wheel;
    lacing punch, hole punch.

Monday Aug 5, 2002
    Jim Croft. Historic and modern methods of choosing and working
    wood for book covers.

    Nick Jaeger. Unfettered, unbound and writing free--Quill
    cutting. Vacme-Press. Introduction and demonstration.

Tuesday Aug 6, 2002
    Tom Conroy. Smoke proofs of finishing tools. Capturing of
    Maker's Mark.

    Meeting. Assessment of workshop, suggestions for next year.

Wednesday July 24-02 through Wednesday Aug 7-02
    Jim Croft provided space, tools, help, everything. Melody
    Eckroth, Janet and Steve Wagner took care of our physical well
    being by providing delicious meals. All provided spiritual
    support with their music.

Gudrun Aurand
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5610

                  Conservation DistList Instance 16:12
                 Distributed: Tuesday, August 20, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-16-12-012
Received on Thursday, 15 August, 2002

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