Conservation DistList Archives [Date] [Subject] [Author] [SEARCH]

Subject: Administrivia


From: Walter Henry <consdist-request>
Date: Monday, May 20, 2002
Fair warning.

    1.  The DistList *may* go on hiatus May 24-June 2, 2002 (this is
        the week of Memorial Day in the US). If you want to post
        something, be sure to get it to consdist [at] lindy__stanford__edu
        by noon May 23.

        If the hiatus is cancelled, mailings will go out without any
        prior announcement.

    2.  The DistList *will*, as always, be on hiatus during the AIC
        annual meeting, June 6-12, 2002. This also indicates the
        end/beginning of the DistList's yearly emission cycle. If
        you want to post something, be sure to get it to
        consdist [at] lindy__stanford__edu by noon June 5.

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:78
                   Distributed: Monday, May 20, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-78-001
Received on Monday, 20 May, 2002

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