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Subject: Call for papers--History, philosophy, and ethics of conservation

Call for papers--History, philosophy, and ethics of conservation

From: Nora McElfish <nmcelfish>
Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2002
Call for Papers: The History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Conservation
General Session, AIC 2003 Annual Meeting

The Program Committee invites papers that relate the above topics to
current practice, and, particularly, those that attempt to analyze
controversial issues in ways that can be useful to the field as a
whole. All authors will be asked to participate in panel discussions
following the presentations. Suggested topics include:

    *   Appropriate role of conservator: advocate, mediator, and/or
        source of expertise:

            In the preservation of particular works of art

            With first peoples in discussion about institutional
            policies regarding handling, disposition, acquisition,
            conservation treatment

            As curator for clients without curatorial expertise

            With artists before a work is created The history of

    *   Changes in a particular treatment over time in one
        lab--examples, why the changes?

    *   Development of conservation as a profession rather than
        craft practice The committee would also welcome the
        inclusion of and elaboration on any number of the following
        in the presentations:

    *   Every conservation treatment is different: Agree/disagree?

    *   Conservation: craft or profession?

    *   Conservators working outside the box: good or bad?

    *   Can/should cultural use override preservation as a goal of

    *   Preparing for future retrospective studies

    *   The conservation police: joke or necessary evil?

    *   Conservation as masochism: discuss

    *   True or false: the conservation profession is unique among
        all other professions

    *   Conservation jokes: are there any?

The Program Committee will consider the following factors when
selecting papers for presentations: general interest for the AIC
membership; suitability for oral presentation; and quality of the

Abstracts should be double-spaced and no more than two pages in
length. Abstracts may be submitted in electronic format (via e-mail
or on disc) or via regular mail. The deadline for submission of an
abstract is August 1, 2002. Final notifications will be sent out by
October 1, 2002. Submissions should be sent to the

    AIC Office
    1717 K Street NW, Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20006
    info [at] aic-faic__org

Questions regarding possible submissions are welcome. Please contact

    Paul Himmelstein, chair
    aandh [at] mindspring__com

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:77
                  Distributed: Thursday, May 16, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-77-012
Received on Tuesday, 14 May, 2002

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