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Subject: Fellowship at Harvard

Fellowship at Harvard

From: Margaret D. Breuker <margaret_breuker>
Date: Thursday, March 21, 2002
Samuel H. Kress Fellowship in Conservation Biology
Harvard University

    Applicants should respond only to Professor Mitchell, as I post
    this on his behalf.

Applications are invited for a one-year training fellowship in
conservation biology at Harvard University beginning in September
2002.  The trainee will work with microbiologists in the Laboratory
of Applied Microbiology on the biodeterioration of cultural
materials.  Trainees will interact with staff at other conservation
laboratories at the University.  A master's Degree or equivalent in
conservation required.  A specialization in architectural or outdoor
monument conservation preferred.  Stipend offered: $28,000 with
University benefits.

Send applications to:

    Professor Ralph Mitchell
    Harvard University
    Pierce Hall
    Cambridge MA  02138

Margaret D. Breuker, Assistant Conservator
Collections Conservation Branch
Northeast Cultural Resources Center
Lowell, Massachusetts

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:64
                 Distributed: Thursday, March 21, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-64-007
Received on Thursday, 21 March, 2002

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