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Subject: Polyester film

Polyester film

From: William Minter <wmntr>
Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Amparo R. De Torres <ator [at] loc__gov> writes

>Library of Congress update on acceptance of polyester film products
>for use in paper encapsulation
>Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films such as DuPont's Mylar D and
>ICI's Mellinex 516, which we have recommended in the past for use in
>encapsulation and other book and paper conservation practices, are
>no longer being manufactured.  ...

Clarification: DuPont is still manufacturing Melinex Type 516. As
per information from DuPont, the statement above is *not true*. Yes,
DuPont has discontinued Mylar Type D, but Melinex Type 516 and other
films are being made. The Library of Congress will be providing
further information shortly.

In Conservation DistList Instance 15:5, Thursday, June 21, 2001
I wrote:

   "Polyester Film for Encapsulation has been going through some
    major changes within the past few years. A few years ago the ICI
    Melinex line of film was purchased by the DuPont Corporation. I
    thought that the Melinex line would be dropped. However, Melinex
    Type 516 has lived on at DuPont. Now, there is new information
    from DuPont, that Mylar Type D will be discontinued as of
    September 2001."

If you are interested in further clarification, you can call DuPont
at 800-635-4639.

Bill Minter
William Minter Bookbinding and Conservation, Inc.
4364 Woodbury Pike
Woodbury, PA   16695
Fax: 814-793-4045

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:63
                  Distributed: Tuesday, March 19, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-63-003
Received on Tuesday, 19 March, 2002

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