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Subject: Steel corrosion

Steel corrosion

From: Matt Cox <matc>
Date: Friday, January 4, 2002
We currently are exhibiting some works by the New Zealand artist Len
Lye, the exhibition is made up of film, photo images and kinetic
sculptures. One of the sculptures is proving to be a bit
problematic. The steel component of the sculpture is very vulnerable
to corrosion caused by people touching the sculpture.  At the moment
we are keeping a close eye on it and removing finger prints daily
with a cotton cloth to minimise corrosion. However I am interested
to know of any coatings that will offer protection without reducing
the highly polished appearance of the work.

The steel is hard tempered and brightly polished, Carbon 0.75,
silicon 0.20, Manganese 0.55

Matt Cox

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:48
                  Distributed: Monday, January 7, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-48-011
Received on Friday, 4 January, 2002

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