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Subject: Ottawa Regional Group

Ottawa Regional Group

From: Bonnie Clark <boclark>
Date: Monday, January 7, 2002
Ottawa Regional Group meeting
Algonquin College
Woodroffe Campus
1385 Woodroffe Ave.
E Building - Room E-133G
Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
7:00 pm

I'm the Ottawa Regional Representative for the Canadian Association
for Conservation and I am trying to revive the Ottawa Regional
Group.  It struck me this past year that there are so many
institutions and people working in the conservation field in the
National Capital Region and there was no regional group.  I
discovered that ORG was once an active group of people who met on a
regular basis.  I am interested in hearing any and all opinions
about whether you would be interested in participating in ORG and if
so, what you want it to be.  We will be open to suggestions from new
people (like me) and to fond (or not so fond) recollections of what
worked well and what could have been better from those of you who
remember the last time that ORG met.

If you are unable to join us on January 30th, but are interested in
participating in the future, please feel free to email me to let me
know. For those of you who are wanting to join us parking is free
after 5 pm, and if you park in the East parking area, you may be
able to get a spot next to the E-building.  The room at Algonquin is
a fully equipped conservation lab that is A/V supported and comes
with a computer projection unit that supports both Microsoft
PowerPoint and Corel Presentation.  It is available to us at NO
COST, which is wonderful!  Because so many people have access to
email, our mailing costs have also been reduced.  We do ask for a
donation of $2 per meeting to help pay for refreshments following
the meeting.

Bonnie Clark
National Archives of Canada

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:48
                  Distributed: Monday, January 7, 2002
                       Message Id: cdl-15-48-006
Received on Monday, 7 January, 2002

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