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Subject: A death

A death

From: Susan Martin <smartin>
Date: Monday, November 12, 2001
I am posting this report on behalf of Betsy Palmer Eldridge,
President of the Guild of Book Workers:

    I have the sad task of reporting the news that Carolyn Price
    Horton, age 92, died on October 21st, 2001.  She died peacefully
    at the Medford Leas retirement community in southern New Jersey
    where she and her husband, Don, have lived for the last 15
    years.  She is survived by Don, their son, Chris, and their
    daughter, Lucy.

    In practice for over 50 years, Carolyn was an important part of
    the development of the bookbinding and book conservation field
    in this country. Her many contributions often set both the pace
    and the tone during those years.  A mentor and a friend to so
    many, she will be greatly missed.

    Most senior member of the Guild of Book Workers at the time of
    her death, Carolyn joined the GBW on August 9th, 1954, and was
    active during that early period as the Supply Chairman from 1959
    to 1972. She was made an Honorary Member of GBW in 1992. She
    joined the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and
    Artistic Works in the early 70's, where she was made an Honorary
    Member in 1982. After her retirement in 1984, her friends and
    colleagues honored her by establishing the Carolyn Horton Fund
    in AIC/FAIC for the professional development of book and paper
    conservators, providing support for mid-career advancement for
    many conservators.

    Carolyn Horton made many contributions to the field of book and
    paper conservation throughout her long career. She is known as
    the author of the ALA publication "Cleaning and Preserving
    Bindings and Related Materials," a landmark book describing the
    proper basic care to conserve books and library materials. She
    was a practical and pragmatic problem solver and came up with
    many low budget, useful solutions that often still carry her
    name, such as the Horton Humidifier (the double garbage can
    humidifier), the Horton Press (a small, versatile, portable
    press), and the Horton Hinge (a technique for re-attaching
    boards). Her most important contribution, however, may have been
    her example of openness, optimism, and generosity of spirit. For
    these characteristics in particular, Carolyn Horton is
    remembered by her colleagues, friends, and former associates
    with admiration and affection. Anyone who wishes to do so may
    remember her with a contribution to the Carolyn Horton Fund at

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:37
                 Distributed: Monday, November 12, 2001
                       Message Id: cdl-15-37-001
Received on Monday, 12 November, 2001

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