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Subject: ICOM-CC Photographic Records Working Group

ICOM-CC Photographic Records Working Group

From: Susie Clark <susieclark>
Date: Friday, June 29, 2001
ICOM-CC Photographic Records Working Group Interim Meeting
Centre de Recherches sur la Conservation des Documents Graphiques,
September 27-28, 2001

The meeting will consist of visits to conservation studios and a
research centre on the afternoon of Thursday 27th September and a
full programme of papers on Friday 28th September. The cost of the
meeting to ICOM members is free, apart from a small charge of
approximately 100 Francs (15 Euros) for lunch, payable on the 28th
September. Non-members will only have to become a member of ICOM to
attend! (Information on membership can be found at
<URL:>). No simultaneous translation will be
available, but if necessary there will be informal translation of
abstracts (French/English).

Delegates will be able to choose one of the visits on Thursday 27th
September. The visits will start at 2.30pm and will be to Maison
Europienne de la Photographie (Atelier de Restauration et
Conservation des Photographies de la Ville de Paris), or Atelier de
restauration des photographies (Bibliothhque Nationale de France),
or Centre de Recherches sur la Conservation des Documents Graphiques

Papers planned for the 28th September include:

    "Development of a Micro Destructive Sampling Technique"
    Bertrand Lavidrine and Renaud Duverne (CRCDG)

    "A Model for the Formation of Silver Mirroring on Silver Gelatin
    Glass Plates"
    Giovanna di Pietro (Laboratory of Scientific Photography,
    University of Basel), Frank Ligterink (Instituut Collectie
    Nederland), and Rudolf Gschwind (Laboratory of Scientific
    Photography, University of Basel)

    "Qualitative Analysis of Material Using XRF"
    Dusan Stulik and Alberto de Tagle (Getty Conservation Institute)

    "Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Photographic Material"
    Herant Khanjian and Alberto de Tagle (Getty Conservation

    "Conservation of Still Photograph Collections and Motion Picture
    Collections - Different Approaches"
    Jesper Stub Johnsen (Danish Film Institute/Film Archive)

    "Preservation of Motion Picture Collections--Extended Term
    Jesper Stub Johnsen (Danish Film Institute/Film Archive)

    "The Vickers Photographic Archive Project at the Dock Museum"
    Lynn Dunning (The Dock Museum, Barrow-in-Furness)

    "Treatment Experiments on Digital Prints"
    Martin Juergens (Art Conservation Programme, Queen's University,
    Ontario) and Franziska Frey (IPI)

    "Update on Photograph Conservation Education and Training in the
    United States"
    Nora Kennedy (Metropolitan Museum, New York) and Debbie Hess
    Norris (University of Delaware)

    "Conservation of an Autochrome Collection of Prehistoric Cave
    Clara Waldthausen and Lyzanne Gann (CRCDG)

For further information please contact:

    Martine Gillet
    36 rue Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire
    75005 Paris, France
    gillet [at] mnhn__fr


    Susie Clark
    Co-ordinator, Photographic Records Working Group
    susieclark [at] sclark100__fsnet__co__uk

                  Conservation DistList Instance 15:7
                   Distributed: Friday, June 29, 2001
                        Message Id: cdl-15-7-010
Received on Friday, 29 June, 2001

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