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Subject: Fellowship at National Gallery of Canada

Fellowship at National Gallery of Canada

From: Anne Maheux <amaheux>
Date: Tuesday, March 27, 2001
National Gallery of Canada
Claudia De Hueck Fellowship in Art and Science

The Claudia De Hueck Research Fellowship in Art and Science supports
the investigation of or engagement in both scientific inquiry and
artistic practice--the conjunction of the natural and creative

Of interest to historians, conservators, educators, scientists and
other professionals in the visual arts or natural sciences, and
related disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Open to
Canadian citizens or permanent residents holding a Master's degree
or equivalent exhibition or publication history.

Tenable at the National Gallery of Canada, although the research
proposal may require studio, laboratory or field-work, as well as
collaboration outside the Gallery. Value up to $15,000 Canadian,
depending upon the proposal submitted.

Application deadline is 30 April 2001.

For further information and application guidelines, consult
<URL:> or contact

    Murray Waddington
    Library, Archives
    Research Fellowship Program
    380 Sussex Drive
    P.O. Box 427, Station A
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Canada K1N 9N4
    Fax: 613-990-6190
    mwadding [at] gallery__ca

                  Conservation DistList Instance 14:51
                  Distributed: Tuesday, April 3, 2001
                       Message Id: cdl-14-51-040
Received on Tuesday, 27 March, 2001

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