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Subject: Indoor Air Pollution Working Group meeting

Indoor Air Pollution Working Group meeting

From: Morten Ryhl-Svendsen <morten.ryhl>
Date: Monday, February 19, 2001
The 4th meeting of the Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) work group will be
held on November 8-9, 2001, at The National Museum of Denmark,

Professionals working with museum climate, such as conservators,
curators, and conservation/university scientists, are invited to
participate. The two days programme will include presentations of
invited speakers, other presentations, and discussions.

Issues will include the impacts of indoor air quality on museum
objects, gallery and display case atmospheres, the use and
interpretation of air pollution measurements, the usefulness or not
of museum air quality standards, etc. For abstracts and reports from
the previous three meetings please see the IAP Home page:

Also at the IAP Home page an info page will soon be placed which
continuously during the next months will be updated with information
regarding the meeting, such as meeting programme, documents relevant
for the discussion forums, links for accommodation, Copenhagen city
map, etc.

In order to register for the meeting please contact Morten
Ryhl-Svendsen (address below) before July 31st. It will be possible
for participants to present work with relevance to indoor air
quality in museums (20 minutes sessions). Those who wish to do a
presentation should contact the organizer no later than May 31st.
Due to limited time during the meeting there may not be time for all
proposed presentations.

Morten Ryhl-Svendsen
National Museum of Denmark
Conservation Dept., The Laboratory
P.O. Box 260, Brede
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
+45 33 47 35 35
Fax: +45 33 47 33 27

                  Conservation DistList Instance 14:46
               Distributed: Wednesday, February 21, 2001
                       Message Id: cdl-14-46-011
Received on Monday, 19 February, 2001

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