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Subject: Fellowships at Philadelphia Museum of Art

Fellowships at Philadelphia Museum of Art

From: Heather Karasow <hkarasow>
Date: Friday, January 26, 2001
Three Mellon Postgraduate Fellowships in Conservation
Philadelphia Museum of Art

The Philadelphia Museum of Art offers three Mellon Postgraduate
Fellowships in the fields of textiles, objects, furniture and/or
paper. Each will begin between July 1 and September 15, 2001, and
may be extended up to three years.  The applicant should be a
graduate of a recognized conservation training program or have
equivalent experience. Each Fellow will examine, conduct research
and perform treatment on objects typically ranging in date from
Medieval through contemporary and will be expected to participate in
preservation activities throughout the Museum.

The fellowship includes a stipend of $25,000, health insurance, and a
$3,500 travel supplement.  Applicants should send a letter with a
statement of interest; a resume; transcripts of graduate and
undergraduate courses; several samples of examination reports and
treatment records with photographs including any published
treatments or research; two supporting letters from conservation
professionals familiar with the candidates work; and two personal
references to

    Andrew Lins, Chairman
    Conservation Department
    Philadelphia Museum of Art
    PO Box 7646
    Philadelphia PA 19101-7646

All application materials must be received by April 1, 2001.  EOE

                  Conservation DistList Instance 14:40
                 Distributed: Friday, January 26, 2001
                       Message Id: cdl-14-40-018
Received on Friday, 26 January, 2001

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